Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
Go fish.
One day Peter was asked if Jesus paid the annual temple tax. Talking before thinking, it seems, Peter said yes. This tax was controversial in Israel. Some paid it. Others opposed it, even though it was only about two days’ wages a year.
Later on Jesus privately expressed His disapproval of the temple tax to Peter. In so many words, He asks: What father would tax his children for the upkeep of the family home?
The motive for submission is not to win praise or avoid punishment. It’s for the Lord’s sake.
But then, Jesus gave Peter an unusual assignment: Go fishing! Peter must have been delighted. He would find a shekel in the mouth of the first fish he caught – enough to cover the tax for both Jesus and himself (Matthew 17:24-27).
Peter never forgot the lesson. The Church Jesus builds is a nation within the nation, a holy people within the secular state. This makes us dual citizens. We are free citizens of the Kingdom of heaven which transcends all human authority.
But, at the same time, we are all citizens of our respective nations – Singapore, Malaysia, The Philippines, Myanmar, wherever. We are to exert a redeeming influence in our nation, not only as intercessors and witnesses, but also as responsible and productive members of society.
You may disagree with certain policies. Never mind. As long as they don’t violate the clear teaching of Scripture, submit. Even Jesus, although He opposed the temple tax, humbled Himself and paid it.
He also recognised and respected the authority of Caesar and Pilate (Mark 12:17; John 19:11).
Therefore, says Peter, submit. Be subject to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. This includes institutions of government, marriage, employment, education, and in Peter’s day, even slavery (1 Peter 2:18, 3:7).
The motive for submission is not to win praise or avoid punishment. It’s for the Lord’s sake. Therefore, humbly submit to the Government of Singapore for the Lord’s sake, whether you fully agree with their policies or not.
Let us silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good (1 Peter 2:15).
Shalom Singapore. We are God’s holy people living in a secular state with a multi-religious society. We see the invisible hand of God and the visible hand of an exceptional Government ordained by God since 1965.
Because the laws are righteous and the fundamentals are right, we can honour our rulers and submit to their authority without compromising our Christian convictions. This is huge. This is exceptional. Never take this blessing for granted.
Pray: Lord, we repent of our ingratitude and cynicism. We are ashamed of all our ridiculous ranting and raving against the Singapore Government. They have been doing an outstanding job. They have sought the welfare of our city during these 50-plus years of nation-building.
Forgive us for failing to speak positive words of blessing to counter the negative words of blaming (Proverbs 11:11). We acknowledge Your guiding hand on those in authority. We give You thanks for our strong, stable and successful Government:
- For pro-family policies that uphold the social norm of the married heterosexual family unit
- For wise, prudent, and far-sighted leaders who serve with passion and a deep sense of purpose to keep Singapore vibrant, A Home with Hope and Heart
- For a first-class Public Service, centred on right values: Integrity, service, excellence
- For a strong and trusted judiciary and effective rule of law respected around the world
- For a culture of zero tolerance for corruption and drug abuse
- For a policy of religious freedom which guarantees every person the right to profess, practise, and propagate his or her faith
- For a policy of racial and religious harmony which ensures that race and religion will not be used to incite conflict and disharmony
- For a policy of social justice that helps the needy in their efforts to live well and make ends meet
- For an extraordinary healthcare system that has become a marvel to other nations
- For an excellent education system ranked as one of the world’s best
- For sound economic strategies that keep our economy robust and future-ready
- For a strong and vigilant defence force that exercises the power of deterrence and diplomacy
- For a strong police force dedicated to making Singapore the safest place in the world.
- For a world-class infrastructure of air, maritime and land transport
- For excellent strategies that ensure good housing, clean drinking water, reliable power, wireless access, clean and green cityscape.
And who can argue with this?
(Adapted from LoveSingapore, Day of His Power 2018)
Read the devotional from Day 12, July 12: Peter’s communion here.
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