
Day 13: Repentance is the Key to Revival

A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer devotional

Pastor Pacer Tan // July 13, 2024, 12:30 am

40D 2024 Day 13 (16x9 Thumbnail ENG)

Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | 1 Peter 4:17

To turn our nation Godward does not just begin with the repentance of the unbelieving world. It starts with the repentance of all believers. 

“For it is time for judgement to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17)

Remember Isaiah the prophet? Before he was sent out to prophesy, the Lord came to him. 

And in that vision, Isaiah was undone. He was not only going to preach to a sinful people. 

He himself was sinful. He himself had unclean lips that needed to be cleansed. 

In our deepest desire to see our nation saved and transformed by God, we must first be vessels of that very transformation. 

Becoming vessels of transformation

The judgement of God in the house of God is sobering but gracious. 

Sobering, as it reminds us to first look at our own failings. Gracious, as it gives us the opportunity to repent and be changed by the Spirit of God. 

Today, let us repent of our pride. Repent of our ambivalence. Repent of our lukewarmness. Repent of our self-righteousness. 

The more we repent, the more we will have genuine passion and love for the lost. 

Have you tried to ask people to love non-Christians better? It’s so difficult. Until we repent, only then will the genuineness of what God wants to do will be found in us. 

The more we repent, the more we will have genuine passion and love for the lost. 

We see that in the early Church. God set on fire 120 disciples in the upper room by the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1 and 2. 

And the 120 were so radically changed that they went out and preached the Gospel fearlessly to an unbelieving world. 

Many of them had to face persecution and even death to do that. So let us move towards that radical shift again. We need the power of God in our lives.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, teach us more your ways. Enable us to repent daily so that our minds are renewed by the Gospel. 

We want to live wholly consecrated, sanctified, righteous lives that are truly, utterly transformed. Help us, Father, as we engage an unbelieving world, that we would show mercy and grace. Grant us the zeal to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that God can save even the worst of sinners if they would only turn to Him in faith, believing in the Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 

So help us, Father. We need you. Begin to move and work in us, that we would see our nation quickened by the Gospel. 

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


1. In the Bible, and even today, God’s warnings of sin and call to repentance often come first to His people. Why might this be so?

2. Which of these do you find most difficult to repent of: Pride, ambivalence, lukewarmness or self-righteousness? Who or what might your unrepentance be affecting?

3. What do you picture when you visualise “a nation quickened by the Gospel”? How might you pray and act to begin to fulfil this?


1. Pray for the grace of God to season our words and the mercy of God to temper our actions as we engage a cynical, apathetic and even combative world, trusting in the Spirit to stir the seeds we plant into growth in His time. 

2. Pray that, as individuals and as a Church, each of us will forsake the illusory comforts of a lukewarm faith and join the ranks of God’s soldiers to take our stand against the schemes of the devil.

3. Pray for eyes and ears to discern God’s rebuke where necessary, that we might repent and have a yielded heart to seek God’s sovereign will to be fulfilled.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until August 9, 2024.

About the author

Pastor Pacer Tan

Pastor Pacer Tan is the Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Evangelism.
