
Day 37: Therefore go!

A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer devotional

Michael Chiam // August 6, 2023, 12:01 am


Bible reading for 40.DAY 2023 | Matthew 28:19; Matthew 25:37-40

What images come to our mind when we think of the word “missions”?

More often than not, we think of hardship, sacrifices, travelling some distance to a remote village in some developing country to share the Gospel. This romantic imagery of the word “missions” may have come from our interpretation of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.”

Yes, we are all called to go make disciples of all nations, but what does the word “go” mean?

Today’s devotion is taken from the book of Matthew 28:19 and Matthew 25:37-40.

The verb “go” means to move or proceed, especially to, or from, something. It can also mean to leave a place or depart, intend or do something.

We have opportunities to see some of the 1.4 million foreign workers in the MRT, in the hawker centre, in our neighbourhood.

“Therefore go …” in Matthew 28 requires us to be intentional, to do something.

There are over 1.4 million foreign workers living in Singapore. Close to 70% of the total 1.4 million foreign workers in Singapore are from countries like Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Every day, we have opportunities to see some of these 1.4 million foreign workers in the MRT, in the hawker centre, in our neighbourhood.

The question is: When we see them, do we intentionally go say “hello” and make friends with them? Or do we intentionally keep a distance from them?

When we hear or read stories of workers abused, cheated, hungry or homeless, do we intentionally go and meet their needs? Or do we just pray: “God please give them peace, heal those who are sick, keep them warm and well fed”, but do nothing about their physical needs?

Jesus came not only to preach the Good News.

Jesus engaged the outcast, fed the hungry, served the poor and healed the sick so that all could know of His love for them.

Participating in overseas missions is great and needful. For those of us who can travel and have the means to do it, we make yearly trips to one or more of these countries to do missions.

But Covid-19 has shown us that leaving the country may not always be possible. If missions work is restricted to only overseas missions, the Great Commission would have come to a standstill in the last three years.

Let me end with three pieces of good news for all of us:

1. God has brought the nations to us in Singapore! We can do missions right here where we are.

2. We do missions unto Jesus. When we intentionally go to feed the hungry, comfort the broken and meet the needs of the poor as mentioned in Matthew 25:37-40, we are allowing them to experience Christ. That’s missions!

3. All of us can do missions! From today, let us all intentionally go to the nations, to these brothers and sisters that God has brought to us, to proclaim Jesus through our words and good deeds.

Let us pray:

Dear Lord Jesus, throughout Your earthly ministry, You have come to show us what You do for the poor, the needy and the hungry.

I pray that, Lord, as we hear Your Word today, that You help us to go and do the same and show Your love to these brothers and sisters.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


1. What was your initial view of missions before reading today’s passage?

2. How does the life of Jesus change your understanding of missions?

3. How can you begin and continue to be part of God’s Great Commission in Singapore?


1. Pray to have a clear understanding of the word “go” (Matthew 28:19). Ask God to show you where you should “go” and how you can intentionally engage with foreign workers and make genuine connections.

2. Ask God to convict the Church to see the missions work right where we are. Pray that more people will seize the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ in tangible ways to the foreigners amongst us.



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About the author

Michael Chiam

Michael Chiam is the Executive Director of Hagar Singapore.
