Family Devotion Day 5: God can use you
A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer devotional for families
Rev Dr Chern Hock Chye // July 5, 2024, 12:30 am

Bible reading for Day 5 | Matthew 9:37-38
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Do you tremble when you think of Chinese oral exams?
There was once a boy from an English-speaking school. He was not good at Chinese but when he grew up, God told him to start a Chinese-speaking church! So, he obeyed and worked hard to learn Chinese so that he could start a church for the Chinese-speaking people in Singapore. Today, that church is 35 years old!
Does this encourage you? God does not need you to be an expert at anything before He gives you a job to do. He just wants you to say “yes” to Him when He calls. His mighty power will make it happen through you!
Singapore was once a country that did not know Jesus. But because Christians from other countries obeyed God and came to us to tell us about Jesus, we now know and can choose to follow Him.
God wants everyone to know Him and believe in Him. But there are so many people who still do not know Him. They are like an orchard of ripe fruit ready to be picked. But there are not enough people to pick the fruit. Will you help?
All you have to do is tell God, “Here I am, send me!” He will use you in ways you can never imagine.
1. What makes you afraid to tell other people about Jesus? Are you afraid you don’t know what words to use? Are you afraid they will laugh at you? Tell Jesus your worries and ask Him to teach you.
2. Which are your favourite stories in the Bible? Will you share them with your friends who have not yet heard them?
1. Pray that God will help you understand His words and stories in the Bible, so that you can teach them to people you know, even those who speak a different language.
2. Pray that, whether you are good at speaking or not, God’s power can work through you to share the Good News clearly.
3. Pray that Christians will become Jesus’ voice, His hands and feet in our neighbourhoods, schools and homes.
Follow Salt&Light on Telegram, Facebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily family devotions until August 9, 2024.
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