
Family Devotion Day 25: God’s time is the right time

A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer devotional for families

Rev Joey Asher Tan // July 25, 2024, 12:30 am

40D 2024 Day 25 (16x9 Fam devo)


Bible reading for Day 25  | Isaiah 40:31

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”


Imagine waiting for the weekend to come, for our food to arrive at the hawker centre, or for the school holidays. It is not much fun, is it? 

Nobody likes to wait, especially in Singapore, where everything moves quickly and smoothly. But that was exactly what the Prophet Isaiah told the Israelites to do when they were captured by enemies and sent far away from home. Surely, the wait for the Israelites would have felt like forever as a prisoner in another country. 

In the same way, God calls us to wait for the things we pray for. And while we wait, we need to hope in Him and trust in Him.

Yes, we want Singapore to turn to God. We want the young people today to grow up knowing God. We want other countries to be blessed when they learn about God. But all these things take time. 

How can you wait well? 

Keep spending time with God. Remember how faithful God has been to you and your family. You can write down what He has done, so that you will remember.

Ask God to show you what He wants you to do for Him. 

When we do these things, God will make us strong as we wait. Trust Him. 

God’s time is always the right time. 


1. When was the last time you waited for God to answer your prayer? How long did you wait for Him?

2. How do you know you can trust God?


1. Pray to be patient as you wait for God to answer your prayer. As you wait, ask God to help you trust Him so that you will accept His answer, whether it is a yes, or no, or wait some more.

2. Ask God to help you not to worry as you wait. Pray that God will teach you to wait well so that you will grow in faith. 

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily family devotions until August 9, 2024.

About the author

Rev Joey Asher Tan

Rev Joey Asher Tan is the Head of the Next-Gen Ministry at Grace Assembly of God Singapore.
