Pray till Singapore turns Godward: LoveSingapore renews PraySingapore@12 call
by Janice Tai // February 17, 2022, 5:29 pm

Church leaders worshipping and praying at LoveSingapore Summit 2022. Photo by Thirst Collective.
With the latest announcements by the Government Multi-Ministry Taskforce yesterday easing rules for safe distancing and venue capacity limits, the leaders of the LoveSingapore unity and prayer movement are urging believers to keep Singapore in prayer as we enter a post-pandemic phase.
PraySingapore@12 is a prayer unity movement encouraging believers to unite in prayer at noon every day, and for church leaders to do so together every Wednesday.
PraySingapore@12 reminds believers to fix their eyes on God and cry out to Him on behalf of Singapore for as long as the Spirit leads.
PraySingapore@12 was launched on February 14 two years ago, with the aim of having a synchronised prayer time to remind believers to fix their eyes on God and cry out to Him on behalf of Singapore for as long as the Spirit leads.
From March this year, PraySingapore@12 will forge a new way forward in a bid to intensify and diversify so as to ensure maximum participation.
On different Wednesdays of the month, different groups of church leaders will meet online via Zoom to pause and pray together for one hour. The schedule is as follows:
- 1st Wed: Senior Pastoral Teams & Church Leaders, National Directors, Executive Directors
- 2nd Wed: Young Adults Pastors & Staff, Youth Pastors & Youth Ministry Staff
- 3rd Wed: Pastors & Ministry Staff, Lay Pastors & Leaders
- 4th Wed: Mandarin Church Senior Pastors, Pastoral & Ministry Staff
- 5th Wed: Missions Pastors, Leaders & Staff, Missionaries, Missions Interns, Potential Goers
ID: 835 3041 0618 | Passcode: PraySG
The objective is to establish a culture of praying without ceasing until God “turns the tide” and Singapore turns Godward, said LoveSingapore in a media release yesterday (Feb 16), citing Psalm 133.
Other LoveSingapore initiatives taking place in March and April this year include the Antioch Missions Forum that would take place on March 17 from 3.30 to 5.30pm onsite for fully vaccinated persons from the local church missions leadership teams. Admission is free and more information will be made available by February 18.
Missions movement Antioch21 was relaunched last November with the aim of “making God’s greatest concern our greatest concern.”
Antioch21 will pull together theologians, strategists, and practitioners from mission agencies to offer the local church the skills, training and even connections to unreached people groups. That includes helping churches with developing a missions culture at home, learning best practices in crisis management and field-leadership development, even discipling missionaries already in the field.
Antioch21 is also meant to be a “bridge-builder” for innovative missions and strategies with the help of businesses and social enterprises.
Apart from the two key thrusts of Prayer and Missions, Momentum Series 2022 – which will see a two-part series on growing the movement of Loving Singapore Block by Block – will kick off on April 2 from 10am to 12pm on Zoom.
The idea is that if Christians would take responsibility for every HDB and condominium block, then 95% of the entire population would have had the chance to hear about Christ as over 95% of Singapore’s population living in HDBs and condominiums.
The online session is meant for pastors and ministry staff. Admission is free and more information will be released by February 25.
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