Celebration of Hope 30.Day Prayer – Day 29: His Word will prevail
Celebration of Hope Prayer Committee // May 18, 2019, 6:00 am

MAY 18
My word … that goes out from My mouth … shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:10-11).
Declare: O Lord, Your Word is alive and active. Your Word is powerful. Your Word is sharp. Your Word can cut through every doubt and defense. Your Word can pry open hearts to hear and obey Christ.
Your Word shall prevail at every rally. By faith we rejoice in a Great Homecoming!
WE PROCLAIM Jesus the Word became flesh and lived among us, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
We proclaim Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).
We proclaim Jesus who reconciles us to God by His blood shed on the Cross (Colossians 1:20).
We proclaim Jesus, the one Name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12).
We proclaim Jesus, the Good Shepherd who goes after the one lost sheep until He finds it (Luke 15:3).
We declare this day: All who call on the Name of Jesus shall be saved!
The 30.Day Prayer counts down to the final day of the Celebration of Hope series of evangelistic rallies. We invite you to pray anytime or anywhere. If able, join us in synchronised prayer twice a day at 11am and 11pm, wherever you are.
The event is a festival of hope, filled with songs and stories of hope, to be held in various languages for all age groups at the National Stadium.
To find out more, visit celebrationofhope.sg. Admission is by ticket only – but tickets are free. To book your tickets, download the Celebration of Hope app now.
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