Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash.
In a time when the word “unprecedented” is used in every other news article, we live in the security and remembrance of God’s promise that we are not alone; He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
Salt&Light gathered the prayers of church leaders for each day of this week, so that we can, in unity, pause and pray together to a God who is “near to all who call on Him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfils the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them”. (Psalm 145:18-19).
Day 4: Be our Help for our people
O Lord God of heaven
You are our hope and strength
Our very present help in trouble
You govern all things and sustain all things
Be near us to hear our collective prayer
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
Surround us with Your perspective
Anchor us with remembrance of Your deliverance
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
For the weak and sick in hospitals and isolation centers
Cheer, comfort, heal and restore them to vitality
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
For the doctors, nurses and frontliners
Bless these hearts and hands with wisdom, skill, sympathy and courage
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
In our streets, work spaces and every home
Inspire us to love and look out for one another
For more neighbourly kindness and proactive support
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
In agencies and organisations responding to people in need
Keep them safe and supply them to meet the many challenges of this special hour
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
Look mercifully on our nation and our people
As we humble ourselves before You to seek Your gracious work
All who put their hope in You will never be put to shame
Lord, be gracious to us and be our help
– Wendy Chiang, senior pastoral staff, Aldersgate Methodist Church
Nurses are “topping up spiritually” in order to “provide service undergirded by God’s love”
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