
Day 17: Success!

A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer and fast devotional, following 2021's theme of From the Ground Up: A Prayer Journey Through the Book of Nehemiah.

LoveSingapore // July 17, 2021, 12:01 am

July 17 Website

Bible reading for 40.DAY 2021 |  Nehemiah 6:1–16

Warfare surrounds the birth of a miracle. And its completion too, in Nehemiah’s case.

Opposition continues from start to finish. So far, all threats have been directed against the community. But now, having failed on all counts, the gang of three regroups and targets Nehemiah personally with four new and bewildering tactics:

  • Isolation: lure him off to a rural area to abduct or assassinate him (Nehemiah 6:1-6).
  • Incrimination: spread rumours of rebellion and messianic ambition, which could cost Nehemiah his head (Nehemiah 6:5-7).
  • Intimidation: scare him into hiding in the temple, which was illegal for a layman and would create a scandal (Nehemiah 6:10-14).
  • Infiltration: conspire with Jerusalem’s nobles and spread intrigue through ‘social media’ (Nehemiah 6:17-19).

Nehemiah doesn’t rail at the enemy. His defiance is diplomatic and respectful.

How does Nehemiah respond? With spiritual weapons as always:

  • single-minded persistence (Nehemiah 6:3)
  • spiritual discernment (Nehemiah 6:8-9, 12-13)
  • personal integrity (Nehemiah 6:11-12)
  • and unceasing prayer (Nehemiah 6:9, 14).

He doesn’t rail at the enemy. His defiance is diplomatic and respectful. But defiance it is! He doesn’t flinch an inch from his divine mission. He sets his face like flint to finish the work as soon as possible in the face of all opposition.

God rewards him with a miracle: So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days (Nehemiah 6:15).

It wasn’t quite the wall of precious stones with gates of carbuncle that Isaiah had prophesied (Isaiah 54:11-12). Excavations show that it was built in haste. But it would do for now.

The first fruit of the miracle was the complete consternation and demoralisation of the enemy: … all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God (Nehemiah 6:16).

The wall was only the first phase of Nehemiah’s mission – a means to much greater ends.

Mission accomplished! The enemy’s schemes have backfired in his face.

So what now, Nehemiah? Take a Sabbatical? Ride on the momentum and build a governor’s mansion? Or better yet, erect a monument to yourself and go back to sipping wine in Susa.

No way! In actual fact, the wall was only the first phase of Nehemiah’s mission – a means to much greater ends. His first term as governor has only just begun. He’s got eleven years and nine months to go. The best is yet to be.

Wall of duty

1. Declare: The best is yet to be. God is strengthening our hands to remake church in the new normal. He is the Master Builder. We are His co-labourers. We discern the times. We see the big picture. Revitalising church is a means to a much greater end: a life changed, a church revived, a nation transformed, a world evangelised!

2. Declare: We are called to a great work: Loving Singapore Together, Turning Singapore Godward. We resist Satan’s foul schemes to divide and distance, confuse and conquer. We arise in the opposite spirit: We regroup. We close ranks. We cease from strife and competition. We make greater efforts to keep unity, cast vision, enhance strategy, exchange ideas, optimise resources, champion best practices, and collaborate like never before! We love God by loving Neighbour, block by block, family by family. With integrity of heart and skilful hands (Psalm 78:72), we set our face like flint to fulfil the call. We pray without ceasing. Our eyes shall see the devil’s schemes backfire on him!

3. Declare: With single-hearted devotion to God, we will persist in our mission and mandate, no matter what curve balls the enemy throws at us. By God’s all-sufficient grace, we shall prevail. Because of the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe (Ephesians 1:19), we shall succeed! For He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20). All will see and know that this work has been accomplished with the help of our God – from generation to generation! To God be the glory!

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until August 8, 2021.

About the author


Founded in 1995, LoveSingapore is a unity movement motivated by love, fuelled by prayer, and inspired by a common vision: God's greatest glory seen through a life changed, a church revived, a nation transformed, and a world evangelised.
