David & Tasha Chapman

Drs David and Tasha Chapman of Covenant Theological Seminary will be in Singapore to speak at the R2 Conference. All photos from David and Tasha Chapman.

Despite the years Drs David and Tasha Chapman have been teaching students of Covenant Bible School at Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church, they have never been to Singapore.

Said Dr Tasha to Salt&Light: “Since we have known several friends and seminary graduates from Singapore, we have desired to visit for years. We are eager to learn about Singapore and count it a great joy to worship with saints on the other side of the globe.”

“In the midst of the challenges of life in this world, how can we be better agents of God’s grace and truth to the people around us?”

Her husband Dr David added, “We hope to encourage all of us in our walk with God and in the joy of Christ.” The Chapmans have two daughters.

Professor of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary and the author of numerous books and articles, Dr David’s teaching focuses on the study of the New Testament using insights from the original Greek language and from archaeological evidence to understand the Bible in a deeper way.

Dr Tasha is Professor of Educational Ministries at Covenant Seminary. She has served in campus ministry and directed women’s ministries in America and England. She also contributed to the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.

The Chapmans will be in Singapore from October 24 to 26 to speak at the inaugural Rethinking Reformation (R2) Conference at Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church.

The gift of God’s Word and unearthing biblical culture through archaeology

Dr David is recognised for his teachings and publications on exegetical use of Greek in understanding New Testament books and on archaeological and cultural backgrounds of the New Testament in the 1st Century.

“I have seen many people deeply touched by visiting the places where OT patriarchs and NT apostles walked.”

Those attending the conference will have much to look forward to.

In his lecture on the Christian and the Word, where Dr Chapman will “ponder the depth of that gift (of the Word of God), and we shall ask how we can be better recipients of God’s inspired Word, all to His glory and our good.”

Another lecture will focus on how Scripture motivates us to reach the world with the Gospel. Dr David elaborated: “How does the Good News transform us so that we become God’s kingdom ambassadors in our home, our places of work, and throughout our lives? In the midst of the challenges of life in this world, how can we be better agents of God’s grace and truth to the people around us?”

“When we travel to other countries to teach, we know we will learn far more than we bring. Every culture will have things to affirm, values and practices from the good diversity of God’s image bearers in God’s common grace,” says Dr Tasha.

At his workshop on archaeology and the Bible, Dr David will be providing many illustrated examples of “how archaeology helps us better understand the cultural worlds of the Old and New Testaments, so that we can better interpret the Scriptures.”

He added, “Having directed an archaeological excavation in Jordan (just a few miles away from the Sea of Galilee), I have witnessed firsthand the joy of archaeological discovery and the real sense that we are touching history as we are digging up the past.

“And I have seen many people deeply touched by visiting the places where OT patriarchs and NT apostles walked — all the more so when we witness the very locales of Jesus’ ministry. I hope to share a bit of that joy with you all in order to better inform our study of Scripture.”

Cultural challenges in our relationship with God and understanding burnout

Dr Tasha teaches and writes on sustainability in vocational ministry and on leadership and leading learning.

She said: “During the second keynote lecture, I plan to focus on the unique global cultural challenges to our sense of relationship with ourselves, God, others, the rest of creation, and time.

“Who are we; whose are we; and what’s the purpose? We will explore how the Bible changes how we view these things, with practical results for daily living.”

Dr Tasha added that “by connecting with the science of how people learn, we can more clearly see how our time with the Word of God grows us towards maturity in Christ.

“I hope it will encourage us in the hard and vulnerable work of sanctification with the body of Christ. Semper reformanda refers to the Reformation church’s charge to the church to be always reforming, by God’s grace, through faith, by the Spirit’s power and wisdom, through study of (and according to) the Word of God.”

The Chapmans at a birthday celebration. “We also much admire the church in Singapore, and we are eager to worship with you and learn from you,” says Dr David.

Dr Tasha will also be conducting a workshop on burnout and its effects on our relationship with God and with others. 

“In order to glorify God with a life well-lived, we need a rhythm of rest, restoration, and relationships. Wise self-care is not selfish, but a form of self-denial to ‘finish the race’ that God has set before us,” she explained.

Attendees will participate in some exercises to uncover their hidden rules about work and expectations of life and the church. 

“I hope we will be encouraged by what we learn; ready to try serving Christ and the church in new ways, empowered by a renewed sense of the grace of the Gospel,” Dr Tasha added.

R2 CONFERENCE stems from the long history of annual Reformation Lectures organised by Singapore Council of Christian Churches. R2 stands for “Rethinking Reformation”, a call for Christians to relook, rethink and experience the beauty of the Word for themselves. The theme for 2024 is “Living our lives in light of God’s Reforming Word” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Find out more and/or register for the conference here.


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About the author


Salt&Light is an independent, non-profit Christian news and devotional website with a passion for kingdom unity, and a vision of inspiring faith to arise in the marketplace.
