“God is doing something powerful among us”: Grace AOG Senior Pastor in letter written from hospital
Salt&Light // February 17, 2020, 9:57 pm

Rev Wilson Teo greets congregants during Chinese New Year last month – it was his first Chinese New Year as Senior Pastor of Grace Assembly. Photo from Grace Assembly Of God Facebook page.
In a personal letter by Grace Assembly of God (AOG) Senior Pastor Wilson Teo to his congregation, released tonight (February 17), he gave two pieces of good news: His fever has subsided, and one of the church staff members has been discharged.
Thanking his members for their messages and emails of encouragement which “blessed me tremendously”, he said: “I am doing very well under the competent hands of the doctors and nurses at NCID.”
“My time in NCID has allowed me to wait upon God.”
Ps Teo has been warded in the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) since February 11, while church staff members were issued with Home Quarantine Orders (HQO) shortly afterwards.
In the letter, he told his members: “My time in NCID has allowed me to wait upon God, while processing my emotions over all the events that took place recently. Although we may not fully understand why God allowed this to take place in Grace Assembly, I am confident that we will overcome the current situation with unity and courage, as our eyes are focused on Him and our hearts anchored upon His faithfulness.”
He said that he had been in regular online meetings with pastors and staff, and encouraged all to be ready for the re-opening of the church.
Although church premises have been closed for two weeks since February 14, leaders have set up online prayer meetings for different age groups in various languages all over Singapore.
Giving thanks that “God has started a powerful ground-up prayer movement among us, as young and old arise to pray and fast for our church and nation”, Ps Teo said he was “very moved to know that hundreds of our Next Generation of Gracians (15 to 25 years old) had committed themselves to pray every night for the church”.
“The Holy Spirit is stirring and sifting hearts for His coming purpose through Grace Assembly.”
“Gracians are unstoppable in the midst of fear and uncertainty caused by this virus. I am so blessed to witness this as your Senior Pastor!”
While the church has rallied and he is recovering well, Ps Teo admitted that “I cried many times in the past week when I heard the challenges and concerns of staff members while carrying the weight of responsibility for the church and my family”.
He expressed thanks to “the very capable leadership team and Executive Church Board, which provided much-needed wisdom to guide me during this challenging time”, and reminded members of the encouragement from the Apostle Paul:
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)
“God is doing something powerful among us through this crisis,” he told his AOG family. “He is preparing the church through prayer and fasting. He is deepening the conviction on community life and prayer among Gracians.
“The Holy Spirit is stirring and sifting hearts for His coming purpose through Grace Assembly.”
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