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“Do you have a problem with your left shoulder?”
“No. Why?” asked the sales assistant who was attending to me in the perfume shop.
“Yes. You have a problem with your left shoulder, right?” I persisted, because of the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
“Actually … yes,” the sales guy confessed.
“Is it an old injury?”
“Yes. I injured it years ago and it didn’t heal properly.”
I proceeded to lay my hand on his shoulder to minister healing. As I was ministering, I was also leaning in to hear what the Holy Spirit might say, while conversing with the salesman.
“You have a tattoo and it’s a dragon.” I spoke as I heard the Holy Spirit’s voice.
“Yes!” He looked completely astonished, because he was wearing a long sleeved shirt and pants.
I added: “You got the tattoo at the age of 18.” He nodded in amazement.
“And you had this tattoo because your father didn’t lead the family properly when you were younger. You were disappointed. But you have the nature of leadership in you. And you want to lead your life and the people around you.”
Dumbfounded, he asked: “How did you know so many things? You are scaring me.”
“I am a Christian. It’s Jesus who knows every detail of your life, because He is a personal God and He loves you,” I replied.
As I continued to share who Jesus is, the man revealed that he used to be a believer but he had since left the faith.
Our conversation ended because his superior was looking for him to serve another customer. Nonetheless, I believe that this deep encounter with Jesus would lead him back to the ever-embracing arms of our loving Father.
This incident happened just a few days ago when I was searching for a tester perfume set in the perfume shop.
It is one out of multiple testimonies in my everyday life.
Lifestyle Christianity
I’m seeing people healed, delivered or even saved on almost a daily basis. And these take place outside of evangelistic services and outreach events.
It is called “Lifestyle Christianity”, where you and I simply represent Jesus both in power and love everywhere we go – whether it is in the streets, in the shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, trains, buses, taxis, Grab cars, air planes, petrol stations, hotels, elevators, public toilets, grocery stores, during phone calls and so forth – in every situation and location, as we go about living our daily lives.
We don’t have to set aside a dedicated time to “do” an outreach. We are called to be the outreach.
I was speaking with a customer service officer on the phone when I felt that she had pain on the back of her neck. She giggled when I asked. It was probably the weirdest thing that happened to her through the customer service hotline.
As I prayed on the phone, she felt tingling all over her neck and was healed. That gave me an opportunity to share Jesus with her on the phone.
Another woman received a prophecy over the phone and after sharing the Gospel with her, she received Jesus into her life on the phone.
There was a guy who took the same elevator as me. He ended up with his deaf ear opened, and he received Jesus into his life and was baptised in the Holy Spirit right outside the lift. There is no place or situation where we cannot manifest the kingdom of God and represent Jesus. Because evangelism is a lifestyle!
There was a young chap who suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and he couldn’t walk for 10 years. I was walking in Plaza Singapura when I saw him rolling on a wheelchair. As I ministered to him, he felt electricity flowing through his entire body. I told him to get up and walk. To his amazement, he stood up and began walking for the first time in 10 years!
There are countless stories in the past six years since I started walking in this lifestyle.
Everyday outreach
Some may think that God must have gifted certain individuals like me to do this. But I’m here to share with you that God is no respecter of persons. This is not only reserved for the five-fold ministers or gifted individuals. It is supposed to be the normal lifestyle of every single believer like you and me.
I’m not a pastor. Neither am I an evangelist. I am just a normal believer like any one of you.
As long as you are a believer, Jesus has already appointed, chosen and anointed you with the Holy Spirit to reach the people around you with His power and love everyday.
More often than not, we are programme-driven rather than Christ-driven.
“And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:7-8)
Jesus said: “And as you go …”
In other words, the Gospel is to be presented and demonstrated as you go. You and I don’t have to set aside a dedicated time to “do” an outreach. We are called to be the outreach (Acts 1:8).
I have seen believers reaching the lost during their regular outreach, but they stop at the cashier at the supermarket because buying groceries is outside of an outreach event.
They stop at the waiter or the barista in the café because it is outside of an outreach activity. They stop at the cleaner in the toilet because it is outside of an evangelistic platform. The list goes on.
This is no different from being a Sunday Christian who only worships on Sundays, but lives his own desired life outside of church services.
More often than not, we are programme-driven rather than Christ-driven. Reaching the lost during an outreach is, in fact, a programme-driven activity.
Being activity-focussed has become part of our culture in Singapore so much so that we stop short at inviting people for evangelistic services or we simply compartmentalise outreach as an event in our lives.
But the reality of the kingdom is this: Our whole life is meant to be His witness. There is no separation between our lives and outreach.
Jesus lived His life reaching out to every single person wherever He went. Can you imagine Jesus telling someone: “Today is not my outreach day. Please come back another day to be healed, delivered and hear the Gospel.”
Jesus empowered His disciples by doing and teaching (Acts 1:1). He modelled the lifestyle of power and love so that the disciples could follow after Him (Matthew 28:20).
Love in action
I believe that the disciples had different personalities like us. Some could be extroverts, while some, introverts. Yet their personalities did not stop them from preaching and demonstrating the Gospel boldly (Acts 4:29-30).
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)
It is no longer “my introverted personality” that lives, it is no longer “my reputation” that lives, but Christ lives in me! We have become a new creation (2 Corinthian 5:17) and we have received boldness, power and love in the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 1:7).
It is no longer “my introverted personality” that lives, it is no longer “my reputation” that lives, but Christ lives in me.
Another reason that hinders some believers from loving the lost is that they are concerned with following up on an individual, should he or she get saved. This creates a burden, especially in a society where it is challenging to have work-life balance. I used to think that way too.
If a person is dying on the road, we perform CPR on him so that he can be saved, before the ambulance comes. We may not have the capacity or time to follow up on him, that is, going with him to the hospital, taking care of him and ensuring that he has fully regained his health.
But just because we cannot follow up on him does not mean that we stay away from performing CPR and simply let him die. Similarly, just because we cannot follow up on an individual does not mean that we stay away from reaching him with the Gospel of the Kingdom and let him die spiritually.
“For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’” (John 4:37)
In reaching the lost as a daily lifestyle, we need not put undue pressure on ourselves to reap the harvest. Our role is simply to love people – that is, sowing the Gospel. At times, you will reap what others have sown. At other moments, others will reap what you have sown.
God loves the person you reach out to more than you love him. Therefore, you can trust Jesus to manifest His power and love through you.
Singapore Power and Love will be held in Singapore for the first time on December 5 to 8. Featured speakers include Todd White and Robby Dawkins. The event has been run more than 100 times in the States and other countries. However, it is the first time that it is being held in Singapore.
It is a three-and-a-half day equipping school that serves to empower believers to know and walk in their identity, resulting in healing, word of knowledge and the prophetic flowing out of their lives to touch people everywhere they go.
There will be six “Love In Action” sessions where every participant will be activated to walk out practically what he/she has been taught in the school.
This ground-up initiative is by a group of normal believers who hold no title and position in the church. We are all volunteers. This reinforces the foundational truth that every believer can live out the supernatural lifestyle naturally.
We are excited to see the nation of Singapore deeply impacted!
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