Rethinking Reformation: Pastor Wendell Chua on the R2 Conference and being reformed by the Word of God
Salt&Light Editorial Team // September 5, 2024, 10:52 pm

Ahead of the R2 Conference in October, Lead Pastor of Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church, Wendell Chua (left) shares his vision of a Church that is continually reformed by the Word of God. Photos courtesy of Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church.
Historically, the Reformation is significant for being the “birth event” of the Protestant Christian faith in 16th century Europe.
While Reformation lectures have been held in Singapore for a number of years, the upcoming conference, Rethinking Reformation (R2) is taking things a big step further to explore the meaning and working of “reformation” in a believer’s life today.
Hosted at Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church from October 24 to 26, the conference will feature guest speakers Drs David and Tasha Chapman.
Salt&Light talks to the lead pastor of Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church, Ps Wendell Chua, to find out the purpose and goal of the upcoming conference.
Salt&Light: What led to the creation of the Reformation Conference?
Ps Wendell Chua: Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church has a long history of organising Reformation Lectures. However, it wasn’t until 2023 that we decided to relook the way the lectures were run and who we hoped to reach.
This gave rise to the idea of running it as a conference instead, with the hope of reaching a wider base of Christians and churches in Singapore.
Why “Rethinking Reformation”? What are current (old) thoughts that will be “rethought”?
We see the importance of allowing the Word of God to reform us back to His truth.
Many mistakenly think of the Reformation event as a single event in the history of the Church. However, the Reformation is really a rallying cry to the Church of Christ to keep reforming itself by repeatedly going back to the Word of God. Ongoing, Biblically-informed reformation is of paramount importance to any church in any generation.
The Reformation event that took place in the 16th century has traditionally been viewed through the lenses of Church history with an emphasis on the 5 Solas (Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone and Glory to God Alone). Our conference will not approach the Reformation historically.
Instead, we will focus on God’s Word and its role in reforming power in our lives, while rethinking how through us, God’s Word can impact and reform our wider communities.
What areas and issues will the conference cover? Why?
The R2 Conference aims to cover three broad areas where the Word of God should be reforming us, mainly: In our personal Christian lives; in our Christian interaction with others in our community, and in our Christian interactions with the world in the Gospel.

The R2 Conference focuses on the ways God’s Word reforms a believer’s life and relationship with others and the world.
In line with our shared Reformation lineage (semper reformanda), we see the importance of allowing the Word of God to reform us back to His truth constantly.
Further to this, we have special workshops on the topics of Christian Archaeology and Dealing with Burnout that we believe will be hugely beneficial for all believers!
How will this conference contribute meaningfully to the understanding of Christians of why they believe what they believe (hence the reason for their faith)?
The Apostle Paul tells us about the power of God’s Word in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (HCSB): “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
We believe that the Bible is central to the understanding and the outworking of our faith. Every believer needs to know God’s Word well so that we will “always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15b, HCSB)
How do you hope this conference will impact believers?
First, we hope that believers will rediscover the centrality and importance of God’s Word in their lives. And secondly, with that rediscovery, to allow God’s Word to work powerfully in them to produce obedience, holiness, and Christlikeness that the Holy Spirit will use in the building of God’s Kingdom. And thirdly, we hope that believers will have a renewed love for God’s Word and want to actively dive into His Word after the conference.
Tell us about the speakers of the conference and what they will be speaking on?
Drs David and Tasha Chapman are experienced seminary professors with decades of knowledge teaching God’s Word. Beyond their academic credentials, what shines through is their down-to-earth and pastoral hearts.
Both Dr David Chapman and Dr Tasha Chapman had campus ministry experiences before going to Covenant Theological Seminary. Dr David spent four years in college ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ.
They will be speaking on how God’s Word is reforming three main areas of our lives: “The Christian & The Word”, “The Christian & The Community”, “The Christian & The World”.
How should attendees prepare to receive from and give back to this conference?
We hope believers will have a renewed love for God’s Word and actively dive into His Word after the conference.
The most straightforward way is to attend the conference! Another way to prepare is to pray. Pray for a heart to receive God’s words and have a renewed desire to be changed by God every single day of our lives.
If you are even more ambitious, you can watch some videos on an overview of the Protestant Reformation (eg History 101: The Protestant Reformation by National Geographic).
As for how to give back to this conference, I would say: Start being aware of whether we are living our lives in light of God’s Word. Then begin to pray more consistently, desiring for God to be at the centre of our lives.
And of course, come to the conference next year and bring another friend along whom you think would be encouraged and edified by the conference.
Who should attend this conference?
Any believer in Jesus Christ who wants to develop a deeper love for God’s Word and who wants to have greater Christian impact wherever God has placed them.
Whether you know much or not-so-much about the Reformation, attending the lectures and workshops are a simple way to deepen your relationship with the Lord.
This being the inaugural year of R2 Conference, do you expect it to become an annual or recurring event?
We hope to run this event bi-annually, God willing.
R2 Conference will be held from October 24-26, 2024 at Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church, 3 & 5 Tavistock Ave (Serangoon Gardens). To find out more or register for R2 conference, click here.
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