“The Church united is unstoppable”: Pastor Benny Ho on the power of unity
LoveSingapore Summit 2025
by Gracia Lee // January 26, 2025, 3:33 pm

When we are one in heart and mind, the Bible says that anything is possible, noted Ps Benny Ho at the LoveSingapore Summit from January 13-16. All photos by the Thirst Collective.
The beautiful Garden City that Singapore is today did not happen by accident. Rather, it is the fruit of a vision first cast by founding minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew more than 60 years ago.
“All this started as a vision in the heart of one man, and today it’s a reality that impacts millions of people,” said Pastor Benny Ho, Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church in Perth, at the recent LoveSingapore Summit (January 13-16).
“I share that with you as an example of the power of an inspired vision. Nations and organisations and movements are built through visionaries who solve things ahead of their time, and they work hard to bring vision into reality.
“Let’s join hearts and hands to see this vision come to pass.”
“And I say the same is true for movements and churches. Thriving movements, thriving churches do not just happen, but they are built upon the sweat and the tears of men and women who caught the heavenly vision from God.”
Pastor Jeff Chong, Chairman of LoveSingapore and Senior Pastor of Hope Singapore, has cast a three-fold vision for the Church in Singapore: Turn Singapore Godward, win the youths and bless the nations.
“What does it take to turn this vision into reality?” Ps Benny asked.
Looking to Genesis 11:1-9, which chronicles the rise and fall of the Tower of Babel, he shared three vital ingredients that we must have.
1. Relational unity
The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:6)
When we are one in heart and mind, the Bible says that anything is possible, noted Ps Benny.
“If we are one, if we have relational unity, then guess what? Divine flow will come. When divine flow is there, then spiritual synergy will come. Then all of a sudden, one plus one is bigger than two,” he said.
“The Church united, brothers and sisters, is unstoppable. That’s why Satan would do anything and everything to bring disunity to the Church … The devil knows that when we are united, if he comes against one of us, he’s going to have to take on all of us,” he added.

More than 1,000 pastors and full-time workers joined hands in prayer at the LoveSingapore Summit 2025.
He encouraged pastors come together in greater unity by participating in one of the six regional gatherings of church leaders, as well as to rope in their pastor friends.
Praising the special unity that LoveSingapore has built over the last 30 years, he said: “We cannot take this for granted. It’s a gift of God.”
2. A common language
Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. (Genesis 11:1)
When everyone starts talking about a common vision, it becomes reality, said Ps Benny.
“There is creative power in our words. I’m so grateful for the clarity of vision that Ps Jeff has given for this next season. And it has become for us a common language: Let’s turn Singapore Godward, let’s win the youth, let’s bless the nations.
“We speak life and we speak faith in this vision, we say it can be done … We call out every local church in Singapore. Let’s join hearts and hands to see this vision come to pass.”
3. Intentional action
Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4)
The tone of the original Hebrew word that was translated to “come” is more of an exhortation rather than a suggestion,” said Ps Benny.
“It’s very intentional. They absolutely wanted to do it … Inspiration must ultimately lead to intentional action, or else all will be forgotten. In the end, we’ve got to act on it.”
Urging his fellow pastors in Singapore to seize the vision together, he added: “Roll up our sleeves, let’s get to work. Knowing must lead to doing. Let’s do it together.”

The sessions saw participants from churches of various denominations and languages praising God together.
He shared that when LoveSingapore’s three-fold vision was first cast in January 2023, he went back to his church in Perth, which he has been pastoring for 18 years, and realised that most of his church’s growth has been through transfers from other churches, rather than through new believers.
“I believe the destiny of a believer is actually tied up to the destiny of the local church that the believer is planted in.”
So, he decided to take action to change this.
In 2023, he equipped his church with a simple four-step framework to win others to Christ:
- Pray faithfully for 2-3 people. Church members wrote down the names of the people they wanted to reach out to and put their names in a box, which Ps Benny would take out every month during Holy Communion and pray over.
- Connect relationally. The church was encouraged to schedule in their calendars when they wanted to meet up with those people they were praying for.
- Show love practically. When a need is shared during conversations over a meal, members were encouraged to show love, be it practically or through prayer.
- Share boldly. Once genuine love has been shown, they can then share the Gospel or extend an invitation to their friend to church or an Alpha session.
For a whole year, Ps Benny’s church of 1,200 members was encouraged to do this. At the end of the year, they recorded 202 new salvations – the most they have ever had. In 2024, they maintained this number.
Their baptisms also increased from 42 in 2023 to 95 in 2024, while their service attendance went up from about 1,750 in 2023 to 2,000 in 2024. Cell attendance and the number of people serving in church also increased, said Ps Benny.
“Here’s my point: This vision is the heritage of Singapore. It’s your vision. I’m only eating the crumbs off your table. I’m just borrowing your vision in Perth. If it can work in Perth, how much more will it happen here?
“When we all do it together, we will become the combined harvest force that will turn Singapore Godward, see the next generation being won for Christ and be a blessing to the nations. We must do it together.”
The destiny of each believer, church and city
Ps Benny closed by highlighting a spiritual principle that he has observed in the Scriptures.
“I believe the destiny of a believer is actually tied up to the destiny of the local church that the believer is planted in,” he said. “And the destiny of the local church must be tied to the destiny of the city that God has planted that local church in.”
If someone is unsure about God’s vision or calling for their life, they simply need to follow the vision of the church that God has placed them in. If a local church is unsure of what they are to do, then they can take reference from the destiny of the city that they are in.
“If we believe that Singapore is an Antioch of Asia, let’s take reference from that,” he said.

As youth leaders gathered at the front of the hall, Pastor Derek Hong prayed over the next generation.
While the people building the Tower of Babel had all the ingredients vital for success, they failed to have God’s approval, which is why their plan eventually fell apart.
Said Ps Benny: “The good news I have for you tonight is this, brothers and sisters, pastors and leaders of Singapore: We have the absolute approval of God to turn Singapore Godward, to win the youth and to bless the nations.
“This is what we’re all about. It’s time.”
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