“Even in mum’s darkest moments, she had hope in the Lord”: Belinda Lee
Belinda Lee // April 13, 2019, 11:41 am

Mediacorp artiste Belinda Lee shared about her experience as a caregiver to her late mother, with whom she had a close relationship. Photo courtesy of Belinda Lee.
I was there when my mum was first told that she had cancer. I’ll never, ever forget her face.
To her, it was almost like a death sentence.
The moment she decided to let go of her rock, she held onto God’s hand and said: “This is the rock. I’ll give it to You.”
The first three years were extremely difficult because she was just depending on her own strength and understanding to live. She was desperate to be cured.
She was fighting so hard. And she had a lot of questions that were unanswered.
“Why did I get cancer? How did it happen? Does it mean I’m going to die? What’s going to happen to my family?”
There were a lot of struggles and I think there was unforgiveness deep down in her heart.
“I give you my rock”
But the moment she decided to let go of her rock, she held onto God’s hand and said: “This is the rock. I’ll give it to You, I’ll give it to You.”
And that was when God took it out and said: “This is my gift to you, my sweetheart. My gift of peace. My gift of hope to you. And my gift of eternal life.”
Her entire countenance changed.
At the very, very last part of her life, she had hope that He would welcome her with open arms and take her home.
There was such joy and radiance on her face. Nobody could tell that she had cancer. It was the glory of God shining on her face that was absolutely beautiful.
I still remember her last remaining days – she was extremely weak, frail, she had no strength to even sit up in bed.
But I remember there was one night at about 1am, she suddenly sat up, then stood up.
And with all of her might and strength – she held onto anything she could hold onto, the window grills, the bed, the wardrobe – she walked slowly towards a mirror and, all of a sudden, she screamed out at the top of her voice: “耶和华, 求你带我回家!” (“Jehovah, please take me back Home!”)
Where did she even get the strength?
Even in her darkest moment, she had hope in the Lord. That He would welcome her with open arms and take her home.
That was the hope she had in Jesus Christ. At the very, very last part of her life.

“There was such joy and radiance on her face. Nobody could tell that she had cancer. It was the glory of God shining on her face that was absolutely beautiful.”
Find hope
And for many of you who might be living with a lot of hopelessness within you right now, and you don’t even tell people about it but you live in despair, you live in hopelessness, you live with this huge rock in your heart and you can’t seem to find hope anywhere, I sincerely hope that you’ll be able to let go of that baggage.
Find hope at the Celebration of Hope this coming May from the 17th to 19th at the National Stadium. And I believe that it will change your life forever.
This article was adapted from Belinda Lee’s sharing of her mother’s journey with cancer, which was first published on the Celebration of Hope’s Facebook page. Have you been searching for hope? Find out more at Celebration of Hope.
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