3 ways to find the unforced rhythms of God’s grace in your work
Shae Bynes for Faith Driven Entrepreneur // March 5, 2024, 5:14 pm

If you’re tired and worn out physically and mentally, could it be that you are working primarily on your own strength versus allowing God’s strength to be made perfect in your weakness? Photo by Chrisin Hune on Unsplash.
“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
As a child of God, you are blessed with an invitation from Abba, your Heavenly Father, to transform the way you live and work so that you can experience His best.
Grace enables you to successfully do what God has called you to do and to do what you could never do on your own.
In other words, you don’t have to strive endlessly to make things happen. You simply need God’s empowering presence and everything else is going to flow from there.
Grace is that empowerment. It enables you to successfully do what God has called you to do and to do what you could never do on your own.
It is by God’s grace that you are able to do extraordinary things, have supernatural results and eternal impact through your life and business.
You are not only saved, forgiven and transformed by grace; you are also sustained by it.
John 1:16 refers to “grace upon grace”, which is a constant and overflowing gift out of the abundance of Christ that we have received to live and to work. This gift of grace belongs to you and provides you with rest, divine favour and so much more.
While hustle and grind is the celebrated way of life in the world, the cost of a hustle-and-grind mindset (even if you pray first or say you’re doing it for Jesus) is simply too great for entrepreneurs in the Kingdom of God.
When you look up the definition of “grind” in the dictionary, it is defined as “requiring much exertion and excessive hard (unyielding!) work”. When you look up the definition of “hustle”, it is defined as “making strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business”.
There is a better way.
What does grace look like in work?
If you’re tired and worn out (physically, mentally, or emotionally), it means that you’re working primarily on your own strength versus allowing God’s strength to be made perfect in your weakness.
Business meetings with God are not just about talking, but about intentional listening.
Jesus provides you with this offer: To keep company with Him through your life and work, and He will be your teacher and show you how to work from rest in an unforced rhythm of grace.
Rhythm comes from the Greek word rhythmos that means measured flow or movement.
If the rhythm is unforced, this simply means it is not forced or imposed, but rather it is a natural flow … and since this is God’s grace we’re talking about, it’s a supernatural flow!
If keeping company, or abiding, with Jesus Christ is the prerequisite for learning how to flow supernaturally in your life and business, the next question should be: How do I keep company and abide with Jesus?
The answer lies in cultivating intimacy with Him and working from the gift of His rest.
3 ways to cultivate a lifestyle of abiding in Him
Here’s how to begin (or grow in) a lifestyle of abiding in God’s grace.
1. Give God the first of your workday
It doesn’t have to be early in the morning. Maybe you go to the gym early in the morning or you have family-related priorities in the morning.
God gives you wisdom generously when you ask. (James 1:5)
However, spending the first 20 minutes to an hour sitting with God before engaging with work for your business is a powerful way to shift your day.
I call these “daily business meetings with God”.
It’s a time to seek God’s heart and seek His thoughts concerning the things concerning you. God gives you wisdom generously when you ask. (James 1:5)
He gives you revelation on what’s holding you back and why you think the way you think. He will give you clarity regarding the Scriptures and how they apply to you.
He will give you strategic insight into your work. He’ll share His heart concerning you and the others in your sphere of influence.
Business meetings with God are not just about talking, but about intentional listening.
2. Surrender your to-do list to God
Make your plans, but yield them to God. Give the Holy Spirit access to shift them and redirect them.
Give the Holy Spirit access to shift your plans and redirect them.
There will be times that your standard business activities will need to take a backseat to other priorities for you – the conversation you need to have with a family member or friend, the unanticipated errand you need to make to serve your spouse, the longer-than-scheduled conversation you have with a client who needs encouragement.
Having a revelation that God is your Source, and that everyone and everything else is a resource, is key. Understanding the truth that God operates outside of time, and is the redeemer of time, is freeing.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, believing that all things that are needed will be added to you!
3. Take intentional quiet moments throughout the day
Our brains need a break. Social media isn’t a break. Checking emails isn’t a break.
Intentionally create space in your schedule to provide yourself with 5- to 15-minute breaks that serve as quiet spaces.
It increases productivity, replenishes attention, solidifies memories, and encourages creativity – most notably, it gives you opportunities to connect with God.
There is no need to worship work. Your life and work can be authentic worship unto Him.
These intentional quiet spaces keep the conversation with God going throughout your workday, allow you to meditate on His goodness, release what stresses you and exchange it for His peace.
It also gives you a moment to seek Him before meetings and ask Him for His agenda so you can align with His heart.
These are three simple, yet powerful ways to keep company with Jesus as you work in and from his rest.
Remember that rest simply is an ongoing awareness of the presence of an unchanging and all-powerful God in your life. It is not something that you have to strive for; it is something that you realise and awaken to.
The good news: Rest resides on the inside of you because you are one with Christ and there’s no distance between you!
Working by the unforced rhythms of God’s grace helps you avoid making an idol out of hard work and mistaking your identity as being in your work or your achievements versus in Jesus Christ.
There is no need to worship work. Your life and work can be authentic worship unto Him.
This article was first published by Faith Driven Entrepreneur and is republished with permission.
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