40.Day Season of Prayer starts on July 1, featuring 40 church and para-church voices leading the prayers
Edric Sng // June 28, 2024, 5:02 pm

“We need God. We need to seek God’s help, wisdom, guidance and strength in prayer.”
This is the exhortation from LoveSingapore Chairman, Pastor Jeff Chong, to church leaders in Singapore, in preparation of the upcoming 40.Day Season of Prayer, themed “40.Days • 40.Voices • 40.Prayers 2024”.
The nationwide season of united prayer was first launched by LoveSingapore – a prayer unity fellowship of local churches – in 1997, and has taken place every year since then, without exception, even through the COVID years.
The aim of the prayer season is to get every believer to pray, regardless of church or denomination, in the 40 days leading up to National Day, beginning on July 1 each year.
For the first 26 years, the prayers mainly centred around written devotionals, distributed first in booklet form, then as online articles. Last year (2023), a change of format saw a different Pastor or leader taking to video to share their daily devotional thoughts and prayers.
The 40.Day prayer season will again be presented in the fresh digital format launched last year. The three strategic thrusts for the Church in Singapore are: Turning Singapore Godward, Winning the Youth and Blessing the Nations.
Firstly, each devotion can be viewed in video format, published daily on the LoveSingapore YouTube, Instagram and Facebook channels. This year, all English videos will be dubbed in Mandarin, to cater to the fast-growing Chinese-speaking Christian community in Singapore.
Secondly, all the devotions can be read as online written articles in three versions: English, Chinese, and a family-friendly devotion. These will be published every morning on the LoveSingapore website, including reflection questions and prayer pointers. The English and family devotions will also be published on Salt&Light daily.
Subscribe to the following for daily updates starting July 1:
- Website: lovesingapore.org.sg
- YouTube: youtube.com/lovesingaporeonline
- Facebook: facebook.com/lovesingapore.org.sg
- Instagram: instagram.com/lovesingaporeonline
The 40.Day prayer season will culminate in Day of His Power (DOHP), which will be conducted this year in three languages: English, Chinese and Tamil.
The English gatherings will be held on August 8, decentralised at nine churches around Singapore. There are two more than in 2023, with Kum Yan Methodist Church and Grace Assembly of God’s Tanglin campus announced as new venues this year.
Believers are welcome to the regional centre nearest their home to join with the Body of Christ in prayer on the eve of National Day.
“There will be more regional centres participating this year, so believers have more options wherever they stay to attend DOHP,” said LoveSingapore in an update to local churches.
The Chinese DOHP will take place on August 9, held at Church of Our Saviour.
For the first time, a Tamil DOHP is in the pipeline. Date and venue details have yet to be announced.
Day of His Power – an annual concert of prayer – first took place in 1995, originally at a single large venue each year. DOHP was fully online in 2020, due to the pandemic, before returning in the current decentralised format.
Encouraging Christians to participate in united intercession, both at DOHP and throughout the 40.Days of prayer, LoveSingapore Chairman Jeff Chong said: “No amount of human effort alone can produce an ounce of spiritual fruit.
“Let’s prepare ourselves and our churches to come before God in united prayer in the lead-up to Singapore’s National Day!”
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