Day 26: Make God’s priority your priority
A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer devotional
Ps Joel Tan // July 26, 2024, 12:30 am

Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Luke 19:10
As Jesus is passing through the city of Jericho, He stops to talk to Zacchaeus, a “notorious sinner”. He is invited to Zacchaeus’ house, after which Zacchaeus repents and turns his life around.
Then Jesus makes this statement: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10)
As we begin to understand Jesus’ priority, we need to start making His priority our priority.
I’ve always loved this passage because it reveals so much about the heart and priority of Jesus. It shows us what was most important to Him.
And as we begin to understand Jesus’ priority, we need to start making His priority our priority.
When it comes to the priority of winning the youth, I know we’ve all heard the studies that tell us young people are more likely to have no religion, to not believe in God. It’s easy to freak out about it and see all these obstacles.
Maybe they won’t be receptive to the Gospel. Maybe they won’t want to listen. But what I believe is that people will eventually get hungry for what they are starved of.
This means that the moment to preach the Gospel is now. The moment to demonstrate the reality of Jesus to a generation is now. The moment to reach the young people of Singapore is right now. This is our priority.
If you are a young person, this is the moment to take responsibility for your generation. If you are less young, you can still reach this generation. Or help to encourage, equip and release young people to win their generation!
I want to give us three quick thoughts about what it means for this to be a priority:
What does it mean to prioritise?
1. It is what you do first
Before you do anything else, this gets done! When we say something is a priority – a phone call, an assignment, a report – we make sure it gets done before everything else. However, the reality is that sometimes our schedules get so full that this “priority” gets crowded out.
Do we have regular space in our schedules to reach the young?
2. It’s what you do even if it interrupts what you were doing
Priorities are allowed to interrupt you.
Jesus was on His way somewhere. There must have been a plan, but He allowed Himself to be interrupted.
How many times have we walked past a young person who was in need of encouragement? When was the last time we stopped what we were doing just to have fun with a young person or connect with them?
Fun is the language of youth, but fun can often be an interruption. Allow ourselves to be interrupted for the right reason by the right people.
3. It is what you do no matter the cost
People were grumbling at Jesus because He chose to spend time with Zacchaeus. But Jesus didn’t care about what other people were saying. He went after Zacchaeus, even if it could potentially cost Him His reputation, His “career”, or His public image.
Are we willing to pay the price so that a generation can encounter Jesus?
It did not matter what other people thought, Jesus was going after Zacchaeus.
Are we willing to pay the price so that a generation can encounter Jesus?
I want to encourage us that, as we fast and pray, we would allow God to put a burden for the youth of Singapore on our hearts. That we would make it our priority to see young people won, and make an impact in their generation.
Let’s take some time to pray today:
Father, we thank You so much for what You’re already doing in the young people of Singapore. God, we come before You today and open our hearts to You. We pray that You would help us to make Your priority our priority. That You would give us a burden for the young people.
I pray that You will use each and every single one of us. Equip us with Your Spirit and help us to understand the power and the authority that’s in the Gospel. As we allow ourselves to be interrupted to share, to connect, to pray for somebody, may we see You move in power. God, would You use us to impact this generation? We thank You and praise You.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
1. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10) What is God saying to you about what you are seeking and saving in your life right now?
2. What spiritual habits will you start forming in order to know and love God so deeply as to align with His heart and His priority?
3. Who are the youths in your circles whose lives you can start sowing into?
1. Pray for God to help align your priorities to His truth. Ask Him to guide your choices and decisions. Whether in busy seasons or in lull periods, pray for discernment on how to use your time, talents and treasures with purpose and Godly wisdom.
2. Pray for the conviction to journey with and make disciples of the next generation, who are our hope for the renewal of the Church. Ask the Lord for wisdom to relate to a generation that is curious and globally exposed. Pray for God to help us accept that “when the young challenge us, it shouldn’t be automatically interpreted as rebellion: They may want to buy in but they want to know why”. (Rev Dr Tan Soo-Inn, Graceworks)
3. When it comes to journeying with young people, pray for the grace to listen well, refrain from judgement and provide a nurturing space where they can express themselves honestly and process the many questions they face every day.
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