
When children become worshippers at a young age, it leaves a spiritual mark that will stay with them long after they have grown up. All photos from Stream of Praise's website.

Many Christian parents are keen to send their children for piano, violin and other music lessons.

But how many are as enthusiastic about helping them to learn about worship?

Founded in 1993, US-based 讚美之泉 Stream of Praise Music Ministries (SOP) has long placed a special emphasis on children, releasing 13 Mandarin albums for kids since their very first one in 2010.

Frequently on the road to bring their music to Chinese-speaking believers across the world, the renowned ministry also conducts children’s worship camps to inspire the next generation of worshippers.

Singapore is one of SOP’s regular stops on their global tour schedule.

During their trip here in June 2024, Rev Sandy Yu (游智婷) shared more about why she is a passionate advocate of children’s worship.

Aside from her role as CEO, worship leader and producer of SOP, Pastor Sandy is also a mother of one.

SOP started a Children’s Creative Worship School. Why is children’s worship so important to you?

Ps Sandy: Children’s worship is very important because I believe we are created to worship the Lord.

I only started worshipping the Lord around 16 years old, which I feel is such a pity.

If our next generation can start learning to worship from young, their worship would be blessed with God’s anointing from earlier on. They would also encounter and experience more of God’s love for them.

For children, their hearts are very pure at that age.

They don’t need to become like little children, because they are little children! They can just be themselves, come before the Lord and worship Him.

Whenever I see the children worship God, I am touched by how their worship is so pure, moving and inspiring.

It does not matter how little or how much one knows about God. Even children can worship God based on what they know of Him. 

Some people feel that it is hard for children to truly understand what worship is. What have you observed from your experience?

Ps Sandy: I think no one can completely understand what worship is, but we can start where we are.

We can begin to worship God with the knowledge we already have of Him.

We can start at any age – whenever we worship, God will speak to us.

Do you have any testimonies from children to share?

Ps Sandy: We always hear many testimonies!

At our recent Children’s Creative Worship Camp in Singapore, a kid threw a tantrum and told her mother that she didn’t want to come. However, she still came.

After returning home that night, this child started to enjoy listening to worship music and reading God’s Word. When she attended lessons the next day, there was also a drastic change in her.  

Her mother later wrote in to tell us that she couldn’t believe that her daughter had turned into a different person. Her child started to develop an interest in worship and God’s Word.

SOP runs creative worship schools for children in the US and Hong Kong, as well as camps in the US, Taiwan and Singapore during the summer.

Children are easily influenced – they become whatever we feed them.

When we share with them about worship, joy and praise, they are receptive and open to it. Then when they understand what it is about, they will do it. 

When children start worshipping at a young age, it will have a tremendous impact on their lives.

If they face difficulties or various circumstances in their 20s, 30s or even 40s, worship and Scripture that they have been exposed to in the past might come to mind. 

I believe worship leaves a very important mark on their lives. 

When children learn about worship, they also glean important truths about God from His Word.

How can one start writing children’s worship songs?

Ps Sandy: We need to first become like little children. Naturally, the melodies and lyrics can’t be too complicated too.

As we interact with children, we will begin to understand the kind of music that they like and what resonates with them. 

Regardless of the style, we want children to feel that the music strikes a chord with them, so that they can use it to worship God.

Many of the children’s worship songs have movements in them because kids have a very short attention span.

They are often distracted by other things, so we use actions and dance moves to make them feel “Oh, this is really fun, I want to learn this” or “This is quite cool or cute”, and help them realise that worship is not boring.

For children, worshipping with their entire being, worshipping with their hands and feet, allows them to come before the Lord with joy.

When children’s worship is vibrant, it reflects the joy that one feels in God’s presence.

What would you say to those who desire to start a children’s worship ministry?

Ps Sandy: I would encourage them to find friends and co-workers with the same vision so that they can serve as a team.

Stream of Praise is a team ministry. We prioritise serving together because when we do that, we won’t feel alone.

When we fall, someone will be there to support us; when there are disappointments and mistakes, someone will be there to hold and help us. 

My encouragement would be to first pray for God to bring into your life someone who has the same vision, so that you can serve together. 

Second, regardless of what form this serving takes, it is very important to just start doing it.

The story in the Bible that really moves my heart is the one of Moses crossing the Red Sea. He first held his staff out over the water, then the waters parted.

Regardless of the ministry we are serving in, I believe many times God wants to see if we are willing to take the first step.

When we take the first step, we will see the parting of the “Red Sea”. Then we will then see the next step, the next step and the next.

Only then will we realise how beautiful God’s will is.

During their 2024 visit to Singapore, Ps Sandy and her team led worship at several churches, including Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church (pictured).

When I first started Stream of Praise, I wasn’t able to imagine how it would look like today.

I didn’t dare to think much either. But we just took the first step and continued step by step.

It was only at the end of the first year that God revealed His plans for the next year.

At the same time, you might be wondering: “Isn’t that scary?” But honestly it’s fun; it’s really fun.

So this is my encouragement to all my brothers and sisters who want to start serving, regardless of your age.


Little Things, Big Faith: Making family worship a habit in your home

“Being Chinese-speaking is a unique gift – use it to shine for Jesus!” Stream of Praise 讚美之泉 singer Tiffany Cheng 

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About the author

Faith Pang and Gracia Chiang

Faith Pang is a Senior Producer and Presenter at 还好吗 hhm.sg and Gracia Chiang is an Associate Editor at Living Room by Salt&Light. Both platforms are part of the Thirst Collective, a Christian non-profit initiative.
