Celebration of Hope 30.Day Prayer – Day 10: A new normal

Celebration of Hope Prayer Committee // April 29, 2019, 6:00 am



For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).

Contend for a revival marked by great joy to identify with Christ and great enthusiasm to proclaim Him.

Contend for a shift in church culture where evangelism is a top ministry priority and a personal lifestyle.

Contend for a new norm: A Spirit-filled Church with beautiful feet and burning lips of love, spreading Good News in wise and winsome ways.

The 30.Day Prayer counts down to the final day of the Celebration of Hope series of evangelistic rallies. We invite you to pray anytime or anywhere. If able, join us in synchronised prayer twice a day at 11am and 11pm, wherever you are.

The event is a festival of hope, filled with songs and stories of hope, to be held in various languages for all age groups at the National Stadium.

To find out more, visit Admission is by ticket only – but tickets are free. To book your tickets, download the Celebration of Hope app now

About the author

Celebration of Hope Prayer Committee

The Celebration of Hope is a 3-day festival of hope filled with songs and stories of hope. Get your tickets at
