Who are you?
Apart from Acts 19:14, history knows of no Jewish high priest by the name of Sceva. His name is not even Jewish. He may have been a quack. But in any case, his seven sons made a career of exorcism.
Jewish exorcists cast out demons using various formulas and incantations. They invoked the names of angels such as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and dozens more. Excited by Paul’s successful cures and exorcisms in Ephesus, the seven sons of Sceva decided to try out the name of Jesus on a demon. The spirit answered back: “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognise, but who are you?” (Acts 19:15)
The ritual backfired. The demon singlehandedly expelled all seven exorcists.
The news went viral. The name of Jesus was exalted throughout the city. Magicians renounced their arts and set fire to a mountain of magic books worth a fortune. So what’s the takeaway?
First, God does extraordinary miracles to exalt the name of Jesus, to set captives free, to relieve human suffering and to spread the Gospel. The bottom line reads: “So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.” (Acts 19:20)
Most miracles recorded in the New Testament occur in the context of evangelism and missions.
Those who love and obey God are known by Jesus and feared by the devil.
Second, the story makes a fundamental distinction between those who invoke the name of Jesus as devoted disciples and those who use His name to make a name for themselves and a buck on the side.
Jesus warns those who work miracles with one hand and iniquity with the other. Come Judgment Day, they will stake their claim on charismatic manifestations: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name? But Jesus will say, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:21-23)
Have you ever greeted a dear old friend who didn’t recognise you? How did it feel? It’s one thing not to be known by a demon. But to be unknown by Jesus? Devastating!
Those who love and obey God are known by Jesus and feared by the devil.
Do the demons of Singapore know you? They know Billy Graham. And Rick Seaward too. But who are you? A social media star? Who cares!
Does Jesus recognise you? You may even run a big ministry and work great miracles. But if Jesus doesn’t know you, you’re just a great unknown.
Fast and pray
- Memorise and pray the Word: “God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: ‘The Lord knows those who are His,’ and, ‘Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.’” (2 Timothy 2:19)
- Search deeply. There’s room at the Cross for you. But is there room in your heart for Christ? Are you neglecting your precious one-on-one time with Him? Are you and Jesus becoming strangers?
Gently He knocks on the door of your heart. He does not push. Softly He calls. He does not shout. Has your soul grown so overcrowded and noisy that you cannot hear His knock and call? How is it that we can waste two or three or four hours a day on social media but find it so hard to spend 20 minutes alone with Jesus in quietness and stillness? Are we losing our sanity?
- Pray: Lord Jesus, I confess I hardly know You. I hear about You in sermons and blogs, Facebook feeds and tweets. But my conversations with You are touch and go. I am embarrassed. Forgive me for neglecting my relationship with You. I long for change. Real change. Deep change. Inside-out change. Lasting change. Help me to cultivate a genuine friendship with You. I sincerely want more of You in my life.
More of Your voice in my ear. More of Your tears on my face. More of Your praise on my lips. More of Your death in my life. More of Your dirt in my hands. More of Your hope in my grief. More of Your fruit in my service. More of Your love in my heart. More of Your courage in my convictions. More of Your nearness in my loneliness. More of Your answers to my prayers. And more of Your glory on my knees (Anne Graham Lotz. Adapted).
Come, Lord Jesus. Be the centre of my life.
- Act biblically. Paul said: Earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way (1 Corinthians 12:31). There is absolutely nothing spiritual about putting down miracles in the name of love, the more excellent way (1 Corinthians 13). It’s not either-or. It’s both-and. Thank God, the more excellent way does not rule out the higher gifts. Thank God, it’s not love versus gifts, but love validates gifts. Love and only love validates all spiritual gifts and Christian virtues (Russell Spitler). We owe Singapore a huge debt of love: the Gospel of Love. Pray for more churches to move in the power gifts to heal the sick, lift the lame, raise the dead, cast out demons – and in this way open the hearts of pre-believers to the wonders of Jesus’ love. Pray that the whole church will earnestly desire the higher gifts as we reach out to Singapore in a more excellent way – to proclaim the One Name that gives the world solid hope (Celebration of Hope 2019).
- Plead strongly. Some who began in the Spirit are now veering off in the flesh. They pursue charismatic gifts without character. Like the sons of Sceva, they crave spiritual power for personal gain and fame. Ask God to deal with them and redeem their lives before disaster strikes, before their private sin becomes a public scandal.
Read the devotional from Day 23: Healing touch here.
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