Day 19: Let your life give life to others
A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer devotional
Pastor Thomas Liew // July 19, 2024, 12:30 am

Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | John 13:14-15
“Do you love young people?” If you were to ask this question in church, I believe that almost everyone would tell you that they love young people. I believe that most pastors, leaders and congregations consider it important to pass on the faith to the next generation.
Many have also been asking: “How can we build up the next generation according to God’s will?”
Our Lord Jesus has already displayed the essence of discipleship to every believer. The key is doing life on life.
When we talk about Winning The Youth, different churches have different approaches. But most of the time, our strategy entails delegating this responsibility to pastors or youth workers.
The truth is, our Lord Jesus has already displayed the essence of discipleship to every believer. It is like a key that can open a door and help us to nurture and build up the next generation for the Lord.
The key is doing life on life.
Before the Lord Jesus prepared to go to the Cross, He washed the disciples’ feet with His own hands. He used Himself as an example to teach them what it means to have a servant heart and what it means to have Christ’s love.
Jesus said to them: “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:14-15)
I believe that this simple act left a deep impression on the disciples’ hearts. The Apostle Paul also grasped Jesus’ model of discipleship, as he used his own life as an example. Paul’s disciples followed his example as he followed the example of Christ.
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1)
Your life has influence
As the saying goes: Actions speak louder than words.
Kingdom values cannot be passed down solely through words. The quality of young people’s lives cannot be built solely through teaching.
Our next generation needs to witness the example of Christ in the lives of their loved ones and their church community. That is your life and my life.
Our next generation longs to see Christ’s example being lived out in all communities. They long to see God’s work in your life and mine.
If we can do that, I believe that the next generation’s understanding of the faith will not remain superficial, but will be rooted in the truth.
We live in an era where it is difficult to distinguish between truth and deceit. Our next generation longs to know a faith that is both genuine and reliable. They long to see Christ’s example being lived out in all communities. They long to see God’s work in your life and mine. They long to see God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
“Life on life” has always been at the core of the Great Commission. Not only is this the key to evangelism, it is also the core of passing down our legacy.
Brothers and sisters, your life has influence. Your life story can be a blessing to someone else.
The destiny of the next generation will never be disconnected from the previous generation, because God’s plan is for heavenly values to be passed down from one generation to the next, from one life to another.
Let us pray together.
Heavenly Father, we know how much You love our next generation. Lord, give us a heart that loves the next generation. Empower us to live out the example of Christ and pass down heavenly values from one generation to the next. Help us and guide us, Lord.
We pray all these in Jesus’ name, Amen.
1. Besides washing His disciples’ feet, what other instances in the Bible reveal Jesus’ life-on-life discipleship model? What does this reveal to you about Christ’s heart for the lost and the hurting?
2. Reflect on John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” In an age when it is difficult to distinguish between truth and deceit, where do you find yourself going to seek the truth?
3. “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18) Why are words not enough to convict non-believers of sin? With what actions can you show Gospel love to the non-believers around you?
1. Pray for God to help you proclaim His Word clearly, wisely and graciously, that your listeners will be drawn to Christ’s promise of hope, grace and redemption. (Colossians 4:4)
2. Pray for open doors to share His Word, particularly to the youths in your circles, and for open hearts and ears to receive God’s truth.
3. Ask for guidance to live before unbelievers with integrity and winsomeness, that observers will be curious about Christ’s divine peace, joy and transformative love.
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