Trent Erwin/Unsplash.com
“I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
So Martin Luther famously said.
How do you and I start our work day? More likely than not, we jump right into checking e-mails and checking off our to-do list. Or we arrive at the office just in time for the morning meeting.
But as Christians in the marketplace, if we believe in being purposefully driven, our focus is not only on the job but also on why and where we are doing the job.
Our job is an opportunity to reach out to more people – not just clients but also to colleagues. For me as a counsellor in the social service sector, this means anyone from the aunty who cleans our office to my fellow social workers and counsellors.
Personally this belief has influenced me in the way I get ready for each day and my attitude at work.
Our work is a way God allows us to extend His territory or influence. How we start our day can help pave the way for this.
Our work is a way God allows us to extend His territory or influence. How we start our day can help pave the way for this.
Here are three simple ways for us to literally put God first at work:
1. Pray for the day. Even a brief prayer will do. I try to remember to dedicate the day to the Lord. I ask the Lord to empower me in what I say, do and think so that He will help me to labour with all of Jesus’ energy (Colossians 1:29). I also like to ask daily that He will create in me a pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).
2. Greet everyone brightly and cheerfully. A cheerful heart is good medicine! (Psalm 17:22) It only takes the attitude of one person to change the atmosphere of a place. When the work place has positive energy, it is a more pleasant place to work. As a result, we all benefit.
3. Be watchful of those in need, whether it be clients or colleagues. “Let each of you look not only to his own interest, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4) Some are in need of encouragement or affirmation (Proverbs 16:24). Some are also in need of basic necessities. God wants us to care for those who are vulnerable (James 1:27). We are to do what we can to be available.
At the close of the day, we can also recall three things to give thanks for and lift them up to the Lord.
When we bookend our work day with God, we are more likely to remember to put God front and centre in the office, as much as in any other sphere of our lives.
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