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I have observed that there are 5 TYPES OF CHRISTIANS in the Marketplace:
These are the ones who are failing in the marketplace. They suffer setbacks and failures that cause them to lose ground.
They struggle day to day from 9 to 5 and stumble into church every Sunday – beaten and bruised – just waiting for their pastors to patch them up so that they can go on struggling for another week.
They may not be struggling, but they are simply surviving and making it from week to week. There are not many successes or breakthroughs but they are just making it.
They mind their own business and do enough to get by. They get up every morning to go to work and come home. They just look forward to the weekends and holidays. Their mentality is: “Thank God It’s Friday!”
As Moses gave his staff to God, or the man who surrendered his donkey to the Lord on Palm Sunday, so we, too, must surrender our work to the Lord.
These are the ones who are personally seeking to apply biblical principles to their work. But their goal is not to change the marketplace but to prevent the marketplace from changing them.
They are not playing to win but basically settling for a draw. As long as they still keep their faith and get by in their work, they are good.
This group plays to win. They are not only applying biblical principles in the marketplace but are seeking to bring God’s power into their workplace.
Through prayer, they expect to see healings, miracles, breakthroughs and salvation in their workplaces. They want to see Satan losing ground and they are advancing the Kingdom of God in their workplaces. They see their work as a platform for ministry.
This is the group of marketplace ministers who are seeking to bring transformation in the city.
They bring God’s prayer and power into the strongholds in the marketplace until they see things turn around. They are the ones who look for God’s light in dark places!
In order to operate beyond the first two levels, the key is to be able to surrender and dedicate our work to God and let Him use our work as a means to transform our society.
My question is: Which type of Marketplace Christian are you?
As Moses gave his staff to God, or the man who surrendered his donkey to the Lord on Palm Sunday, so we, too, must surrender our work to the Lord. Then we shall see God use our work for His own redemptive purposes.
Reflection and Discussion
1. Which of the five types of marketplace Christians were you at the beginning of your career? And which are you now?
2. Read Zechariah 9:9. The donkey that carried Jesus on Palm Sunday had been prophesied way back in the Old Testament. God is a God of details and plans! Reflecting on your life’s journey, how has God used the details in your life to prepare you for significant marketplace ministry?
3. Even as you work towards “significance” in your work, consider how you would mentor the next generation towards “significance”.
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