“Instead of saving lives, we have participated in the ending of lives”: Doctor’s prayer of repentance at DOHP
Dr Tan Siew Pin // August 8, 2019, 10:17 pm

Photo: Marcus Chow/ Thir.st
In the past 50 years since the abortion law was passed in Singapore, 660,000 babies have been aborted. Dr Tan Siew Pin, a paediatric specialist, prayed this prayer of public repentance on behalf of healthcare professionals in Singapore.
Father God, we come before You as a community of healthcare workers to say we are sorry to have been silent, apathetic and passive about the many lives that have been snuffed out by abortion. We repent of not recognising all life as sacred. We acknowledge our failure and we are ashamed. We have caused You grief.
We repent of our wrongdoing, that which we deceptively call termination of pregnancy – when the truth is that it is termination of precious lives You have created, and the dreams that You have for each one of them.
Father, forgive us that we have facilitated abortion and made it easy for women to make this choice. Forgive us for our hardness of heart and seared conscience, to even rely on this practice as a means to earn a living and make a profit. Innocent blood has been shed by our hands.
Instead of saving lives and restoring health, which is the true reason for our calling as healthcare professionals, we have participated directly and indirectly in the ending of lives and the aftermath — scarring and traumatising those who chose abortion.
When we could have counselled them wisely and offered them support and alternative pro-life options, instead we chose to remain detached and uninvolved. We have not honoured You as the Lord and Master of our life and work, but have cowered in fear to the order of our earthly authority.
Where we could have made a difference and chosen to do what is good just and right, what is pleasing to Your heart, we turned our face away and washed our hands as if it didn’t matter, that it was none of our business.
To You and You only Lord, we have sinned and we plead for Your mercy. Forgive us for our sinful and wayward ways.
Today we acknowledge You as our Father and our Lord. We pray we will have a reverent fear and and renewed understanding of Your holiness, and be bold to please You rather than men. We pray for our love for Jesus to increase, to love the truth, and desire Your will and Your ways.
Soften our hearts to reach out with compassion and kindness to those who find themselves at the crossroad of their lives, the dilemma they find themselves in – unprepared for the life they hold within them. Give us wisdom, favour and winsomeness to counsel, support and guide them.
May there arise a new generation of healthcare professionals who walk in love, truth and courage. We pray that as we advance in the care of premature babies that we would have a voice to shape the laws of this land regarding abortion. We pray for the day to come when abortion will be unthinkable!
We offer up our prayers in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Mark October 5, 2019 on your calendars for Life Fest, a Kingdom-wide family carnival where the church will gather as one to celebrate life in the womb. Visit lifefest.heartbeatproject.sg for details.
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