
5 truths about God we need to be reminded of (as told to us by kids!)

This Children's Day, Living Room by Salt&Light celebrates our little ones. Plus, a big thank you to all who help to cultivate these young minds!

by Gracia Chiang // October 6, 2023, 7:30 pm

Children's Day video feature image

For our Children's Day video, we interviewed 16 kids – each one had a unique perspective of God.

We hear this term being thrown around a lot. But what does having “childlike faith” really mean?

To be accurate, these exact words are not found in the Bible. However, we know that Jesus held up children as examples. 

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17)

Clearly, there is something valuable that we – as adults – can learn from the little ones. 

This Children’s Day, Living Room by Salt&Light set out to hear from the kids. How do they see God and what does having faith in Him look like?

In collaboration with Presbyterian Preschool Services (PPS) and New Life Preschool Services, we travelled to PPS Bukit Batok, Little Olive Tree Woodlands and New Life Childcare @ Junction 10 to speak with more than 15 children.

Here are the questions we asked them:

  • Who is God to you?
  • How do you know that God is real?
  • Why do you love God?
  • If you had a chance to meet God, what would you give Him?
  • What gift do you want to receive on Children’s Day?

Click on our 3-minute video to see what they had to say!

For those who want a synopsis, here are a few quick takeaways.

God is our Creator

We were curious: Just how would children know that God is real especially since they have not met Him in person? 

Interestingly, many of them told us that, even though they cannot see Him, they are able to see the things He has created.

For five-year-old Joel, seeing his favourite animals brings to mind the One who created them.

Abraham, 6, and a few others also told us that it is because God has given him a family.

“因为神给了我一个家庭,” he says, sharing that this is also why he loves God.

From plants to people, God’s creations also remind us of our Creator, say the children. 

Every time we look at creation, we too can be encouraged that the God who brought into being all the beauty that we see is also the One who lovingly and wonderfully made us.

God is powerful

It may seem like a small problem – to be afraid of the dark – but sometimes it is in the little things that big faith can be built. 

A number of children revealed to us that they felt God’s tangible presence when He helped them to overcome their fears.

Having experienced God’s strength to “do difficult things”, Judah, 4, says: “Jesus makes me brave.”

“When I’m scared in the dark, He helps me not be scared,” says six-year-old Lyla.

It is also fascinating that while many spoke from their own encounters, several others referred to what they know that God has done for others.

Giving examples of how God “made the blind man recover and made the man in the tomb alive”, Joray, 5, explains that these miracles are why he believes God is real.

Six-year-old Genesis adds: “Because in the Bible, He can walk on water.”

This really reinforces how reading the Word of God can build faith in us, especially during those times when we find ourselves anxious or worried.

It also goes to show that it is a good idea to share such stories with our kids from young!

God is close to us

Interestingly – despite their rather impressive knowledge of the Bible – not one described God as a fierce judge or an angry man. 

For these children, their answers on who God is to them ranged from a “kind person” (Kaite, 6) to a “loving friend” (Joanna, 5).

Though none have seen God face-to-face, they were also able to express the emotions they feel towards Him.

“God makes me happy,” shares Jia Nian, 4. 

Faith, 5: “I love God because He is my friend.”

Perhaps, we can learn a thing or two from our young friends.

When was the last time we felt the depth of His love? Are we experiencing the joy that comes from intimacy with Him? 

Here’s another question too: How would we describe God to someone who does not know who He is?

Depending on what comes to mind, that is probably quite telling of how we relate to God.

God answers prayers

It is not surprising that for many of the kids, their view of God is shaped by how they have seen Him at work in their lives. 

Six-year-old Kaite says she knows that God is real “because He answers my prayers”.

“God takes care of me,” adds Avery, 6, sharing about her trust in God’s protection and provision. 

Kayden 6, shares how he prayed to God to feel better after a mosquito bite.

They seem to have also understood an important principle: that prayer is two-way communication. It is not always us who speaks – it is also about whether we are hearing.

“I can feel Him in my heart talking to me,” reveals Avalyn, 6.

Even at such a tender age, it is amazing how every one of them has experienced God on a personal level. This challenges us too.

Are we cultivating a relationship where we not only go to Him for our requests, but also listen out for what He may be saying to us?

And do we trust that He will answer our prayers in His time and way? 

God is gracious to forgive

When it comes to theology, how deep can we go with our kids? Quite deep, it seems.

From their answers, it appears that most of them know who Jesus is, and what He has done on the Cross for us. 

“Jesus is the Son of God” and “He is my Saviour” are just a few responses we got.

Unpacking it even further, six-year-old Josiah says: “God is a God of love. Even when we make mistakes, He still loves us.”

When asked what he would give to God if he had the chance to meet Him, Asher, 5, tell us that he wants to give God a big fire truck “because firemen save people and He also saves people”.

Even at 5, Asher can clearly explain how God saved him from sin.

Even more incredible is the fact that as preschoolers, they know that the Good News of Jesus should be shared.

Just take for example Abraham, who wants to give God a very big microphone. His rationale?

“这样很容易就有人信主了,” says the six-year-old, explaining that this will enable the Bible to be heard throughout the world when it is read aloud.

If kids can recognise the value of the Gospel and the urgency of the Great Commission, what about us? 

Hearing such words of wisdom, it is clear that our children can teach us many things.

To name just a few, we are reminded of what it means to be humble before such a huge God, how to depend on Him for our needs, and why it is so important to spend time in His Word and prayer.

Beyond Children’s Day, let us remember to take time to listen to the little ones. 

Watch our video below and be blessed!


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About the author

Gracia Chiang

Gracia used to chase bad news — now she shares Good News. Gracia's different paths in life have led her from diverse newsrooms to Living Room by Salt&Light, but her most difficult and divine calling to date is still parenting.
