Faith 101: Does prayer make a person weak? and other questions you’d like to ask
Then Chee Min // May 31, 2019, 6:08 pm

Do you have niggling questions about the Christian faith? The Bible invites you to ask the hard questions: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
There are four main reliable sources where you can find your answers:
- God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- Prayer (Jeremiah 33:3)
- Christian leaders and mature Christians (Psalm 37:30)
- Bible-based courses such as Rhema, Alpha, Disciple, and BSF (Bible Study Fellowship).
Here are some frequently asked questions that may also have crossed your mind. The answers are not meant to be comprehensive, but to facilitate discussion in your church or Bible study group.
Does prayer make a person weak and dependent? Does the saying: “God helps those who help themselves” come from the Bible?
The quote: “God helps those who help themselves” is not from the Bible, though many think it is a biblical saying. What the Bible teaches is: God helps those who seek after Him with their whole heart. (Jeremiah 33:3)
Prayer does not make us weak or dependent, but prayer strengthens our faith in the sovereign love and power of God to work all things for our good.
Prayer allows God’s divine power to come into our everyday circumstances, to transform us and make us strong.
The more we pray, the more we experience the goodness and grace of God. He invites us to pray so that we can enjoy His abundant love towards us, His children.
While men apart form God can achieve much, men with God can achieve much more. In certain matters pertaining to spiritual, personal and social problems, men without God are helpless and hopeless.
Prayer allows God’s divine power to come into our everyday circumstances, to transform us and make us strong. Prayer is like having a special account with the Bank of Heaven from which we can draw out “prayer cheques” that have been pre-signed by Jesus Christ. No one would think it is a sign of weakness to borrow money from the bank to start a business venture. Why should it be a sign of weakness to draw on God’s infinite riches through prayer?
There are many things God wants us to do that we cannot do apart from Him, for instance, the preaching of the Gospel and seeing lives transformed. God has given us this means to draw on His resources to empower us so that we can fulfil His mission.
Are there Christians who are scientists?
Christian scientists who have had a profound influence on scientific development include the following:
- Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627): He established the scientific method of inquiry based on experimentation and inductive reasoning.
- Rene Descartes (1596-1650): He and Francis Bacon established the scientific methodology. God was central to their scientific methodology.
- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662): As a mathematician, Pascal established the foundation for projective geometry and probability theory. He invented a mechanical calculator, and established the principles of vacuums and the pressure of air.
- Robert Boyle (1627-1691): Known for his law of pressure and volume (“Boyle’s Law”), he also did some important work on chemistry.
- Gregor Mendel (1822-1884): Mendel was the first to lay the mathematical foundations of genetics.
- Rev Dr David Wilkinson, who trained first as an astrophysicist and then as a theologian.
- Dr Freddy Boey, a scientist-inventor who has filed 25 original patents with Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Dr Boey is also a teaching leader at Riverlife Church.
- Dr Hugh Ross, an astronomer who travels the globe speaking on the compatibility of advancing scientific discoveries with the timeless truths of Christianity. His organisation, Reasons to Believe (RTB), is dedicated to demonstrating, via a variety of resources and events, that science and biblical faith are allies, not enemies.]
According to 100 Years of Nobel Prizes, between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates have identified Christianity as their religious preference. Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% in Literature.
Why are there so many English versions of the Bible?
The original language of the Old Testament is primarily Hebrew, with some Aramaic (dialect of Hebrew). The original language of the New Testament is Greek, though Jesus spoke in Aramaic in His own ministry.
The reasons for so many different English versions are historical, linguistic and practical.
All translations of the Bible into other languages used the Scriptures as written in their original Hebrew and Greek languages. The same goes for all different versions of the English translations: They are translated directly from the original Hebrew and Greek languages.
The reasons for so many different English versions are historical, linguistic and practical. Firstly, English is an ever-changing language and the meaning of words changes with time. So the King James Version with its archaic English has been updated to keep up with the English language usage.
Secondly, some English translations are aimed at different literacy levels, for instance, The Good News Bible was a translation for those of lower literacy level.
Thirdly, some translations are written to enhance the reading, for instance, paraphrase Bibles like The Living Bible and The Message. But all translations try to faithfully reflect the meaning and message of the original languages.
Why do some Christians behave worse than non-Christians?
Not everyone who goes to church is a Christian. As it has been said, going to McDonald’s will not make us hamburgers! A Christian is someone who has a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not someone who adopts the Christian religion.
Some people adopt Christian practices (going to church on Sunday, even getting baptised), but have yet to experience a relationship with God. So they are church-goers not Christians.
Christians we meet in our neighbourhood, offices, schools or campuses are at different levels of spiritual growth and maturity.
We need to recognise that the Christians we meet in our neighbourhood, offices, schools or campuses are at different levels of spiritual growth and maturity.
Generally, when a person has accepted Christ and started a relationship with God, life begins to change.
If he reads God’s Word (Bible) regularly, he allows God’s Spirit to transform his mindset and lifestyle. As he learns how to live a lifestyle consistent with Christ and the Scriptures, his behaviour starts to improve.
However, depending on the level of a person’s surrender to God, his behaviour changes accordingly. A true disciple of Jesus Christ is a person who is obedient to God and filled with the Holy Spirit. His character then begins to conform to Christ’s as described in Galatians 5:22-23: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
Christians are all saved by grace, not works, which means that none of us deserves to be called Christians if we are judged by our conduct alone. We are nevertheless accepted by God because of what Christ has done on our behalf.
This article was adapted from “Frequently asked questions about Christianity”, published by Genesis Books, and is republished with permission.
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