Making the most of your life as a new Christian
Rev Jenni Ho-Huan // May 27, 2019, 3:41 pm

Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash.
Every person experiences and journeys with God uniquely.
Some completely kick addictions. Others experience an unexplainable peace. Still others feel a fresh zeal for life. Or, more often, a combination of these.
Above all, there is a desire to know this God with whom we are reconciled with.
A roadmap
As with all journeys, having a roadmap and some suitable gear is very helpful. So here is a roadmap for your growing journey with God and some practical tips.
God is so huge, holy, high and happy, that knowing Him, loving Him and serving Him will be a life-long adventure.
“… he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
“All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:15-18)
This passage from the Bible gives us a wonderful roadmap:
- We are to live for God
- We are to see others through God’s eyes
- We have entered into a new way of life
- We have a lifelong work of helping others reconcile with God
This roadmap is broad enough for each of us to pray and live out in our own life stage and circumstances.
Our language and emotions shift from strife to blessing, from vengeance to forgiveness, and from comparison to co-operation.
You can live for God by setting goals that push you to work hard and be at your best. God gave us His best – Jesus – so out of a response to His love for us, we love him with our best intentions and efforts.
Humbled by God’s merciful acceptance of us, we start to learn to accept others too – those who have hurt and disappointed us, as well as those who are different from us. Our language and emotions shift from strife to blessing, from vengeance to forgiveness, and from comparison to co-operation.
Both of this are part of a new way of life – a way marked by faith, hope and love. The Bible says these three will never end!
The journey
It takes faith to do things that are hard and may not turn out the way we hope.
Christians are not enduring life just to wait for heaven. We are engaging life and transforming the world while we wait for Jesus’ return.
When we forgive, the person may not appreciate or respond. But we do it anyway because the new way of life is birthed in us through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the depths of our being.
It takes hope to persevere towards outcomes that are beyond our control, to dream for a better world and contribute to it.
It takes love – from God and for God, and for people – to choose to make sacrifices so that life is not all about I, me and myself.
The new way of life is a broad and amazing journey that begins from the day you put your trust in Jesus until you see Him face to face!
God will take us on journeys within ourselves, with others and out into the great world to shine for Him.
Now for the practical things to have with you and use regularly.
These “tools” are necessary not out of religious obligation. Rather, they fit our God-design as spiritual and social beings.
1. Nourish your new life through prayer and feeding on the Bible
The easiest way is to set aside a fixed time each day to do so.
It also helps to have a buddy along so that you can share and deepen your understanding. Then share your experience with others.
2. Seek out companions
The local church, although filled with imperfect people (like ourselves), is a seedbed for God’s wondrous grace to work. Here you will find others to relate with, share adventures with, and grow together with through life-sharing and service.
It may take a while to feel comfortable, but don’t give up easily!
3. Survey the sights and keep track of your own growth
The journey of faith is an exciting one, and God sends loads of encouragements and directions along the way.
We are created for God, and Christ has made it possible for us to return to this reason for our being.
Christians are not enduring life just to wait for heaven. We are engaging life and transforming the world while we wait for Jesus’ return when the world will be fully under His perfect rule.
As you embrace and lean into life (both the easy and the hard), Christ’s life in you arises and you will be surprised at how your life will be transformed!
Every serious gym goer has a way to track their progress. Our bodies won’t last forever, but our souls will. Learn how to nourish, discipline and expand your soul.
Needless to say, we grow best, too, when we draw others in to join the journey!
The wonderful news is that we are created for God, and Christ has made it possible for us to return to this reason for our being.
God is so huge, holy, high and happy, that knowing Him, loving Him and serving Him will be a life-long adventure.
Just be sure you have a roadmap and use your tools diligently. I hope our paths cross at some point and we can chat over our pit stop!
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