A screenshot from a promotional video about Consider Jesus, an Easter service by Hope Church. Photo from Hope Church's Facebook page.

Are life's happenings really random? Consider Jesus, an Easter service by Hope Church, invites seekers to consider this and life's other big questions. Screenshot from the Facebook page of Hope Church.

Good Friday and Easter are pivotal dates in our Christian calendar as we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made – and the miracle that came after – to reconcile our sinful selves to our loving Father.

Apart from reminding ourselves of the whole reason for our faith, it is also a great opportunity for us to invite our non-believing friends and family to come and see for themselves why we believe what we believe.

From solid Word-based sermons and seeker-friendly services, to skits and a musical production, here are five programmes that churches in Singapore have lined up next weekend as we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1. The Red Tie Society: A skit and message by Cornerstone Community Church

Enjoy a special Resurrection Weekend skit and message put together by Cornerstone Community Church. Photo from Cornerstone Community Church.

In The Red Tie Society, a Resurrection Weekend skit and message by Cornerstone Community Church, meet Ian Pow, who arrives at an exclusive meeting with a very, very important person – official invitation in hand – only to be denied entry despite trying various ways and means to get in.

Follow Ian’s journey as he finds out what it will take to meet the most important person in the world.

Where: Cornerstone Katong 
11 East Coast Rd, #02-10 The Odeon, Singapore 428722

When: Saturday, April 8 at 1.30pm and 5pm
Sunday, April 9 at 8.30am, 10.15am, 11.45am

Where: Cornerstone Bugis
201 Victoria St, Level 7 Joyden Hall, Singapore 188067

When: Sunday, April 9 at 9.30am and 11am

Online: On Facebook and YouTube on Sunday, April 9 at 10.15am

For more information: Visit Cornerstone Community Church’s website or Facebook page.

2. Consider Jesus: A seeker-friendly service by Hope Singapore

Little “detectives” are transported back in time and tasked to find out who the empty tomb belongs to in The Mystery of Easter, an Easter Sunday children ‘s programme at Hope Church.

Are life’s happenings random? What does success really look like? What happens after we die?

If someone you know has asked one of these questions before, take them with you for the seeker-friendly Easter weekend services at Hope Church, where they’ll be invited to consider Jesus in grappling with life’s big questions.

Drinks and baked treats will also be available before the service.

In addition, there will be a children’s programme where little “detectives” are transported back in time and tasked to find out who the empty tomb belongs to – and why. The Mystery of Easter will be held on April 9 at 10am.

Where: Hope@The Axis
Textile Centre Singapore, 200 Jalan Sultan Level 4, Singapore 199018

When: Saturday, April 8 at 2pm and 5pm
Sunday, April 9 at 10am

Where: Hope@New Tech Park
New Tech Park (Lift Lobby F), 151 Lorong Chuan, Singapore 556741

Park Avenue Convention Centre, 4 Changi Business Park Avenue 1, Singapore 486016

Hope@Jurong West
5 Jurong West Street 74, Singapore 649151

When: Sunday, April 9 at 10am

For more details: Visit Hope Singapore’s website or Facebook page.

3. The Glory of the Cross: Holy Week Convention by The English Presbytery 

This year’s Holy Week sermon series will focus on the cross through three passages from the Gospel of John. Photo from the English Presbytery.

When Good Friday and Easter roll around every year, the Presbyterian Church in Singapore holds a Holy Week Convention where members from various Presbyterian churches come together to worship God and listen to His Word.

The series of three sermons this year, held from April 5 to 7, will focus on the cross, a symbol of suffering and death which has become the defining symbol of Christianity. There will also be a 55-strong choir leading the congregation in worship.

Speaker Rev Dr Edwin Tay, principal of Trinity Theological College and an ordained minister of the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore, will trace the journey of Jesus from the upper room to Golgotha through passages from John 17, 18 and 19.

The sermons on April 5 and 6 will be available on livestream. However, a recording of the Good Friday service will only be posted on the convention’s website at a later time.

Where: True Way Presbyterian Church
56B Stirling Rd, Singapore 148947

When: Wednesday, April 5 at 8pm
Thursday, April 6 at 8pm

Where: Expo Hall 1 (Apex)

When: Friday, April 7 at 10.30am

For more details: Click here.

4. Road to the Cross: An Easter presentation by Trinity Christian Centre 

Catch a glimpse of the Via Dolorosa this Good Friday. Photo from Trinity Christian Centre.

Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ journey to the cross must have been like?

In Road to the Cross, a drama adaption of Via Dolorosa by Trinity Christian Centre, you can now have a glimpse of the path our Saviour took, and the ordinary people who crossed paths with Him in His death and resurrection.

Mandarin interpretations are available via a headset for all presentations.

For the first two services on Good Friday (April 7), a concurrent children’s programme called The Red Pincer will also be held for children aged between four and 12.

Where: Trinity@Paya Lebar
247 Paya Lebar Rd, #03-01, Singapore 409045

When: Thursday, April 6 at 8pm
Friday, April 7 at 10am*, 2pm* and 5pm

*Concurrent children’s programme is available.

For more details: Click here.

5. A New Beginning: A musical by Chapel of Christ the King and St John’s Chapel

Come and see how this family is transformed after meeting Jesus. Photo by Chapel of Christ the King and St John’s Chapel.

Lucy’s family life seems to be falling apart.

The housewife, who runs a hairdressing business on the side, has an absent husband and two trying children. When everything blows up one day, leaving her at a loss, a client invites her to an event that will change her – and her family’s – life.

For musical lovers, A New Beginning offers hope as it peeks into a true story of how one Singaporean family is transformed after coming to know the love of Jesus.

Friends and family are welcome and can register via the sign-up link. Registration closes on April 2.

Where: School hall of St Margaret’s School (Secondary)
111 Farrer Rd, Singapore 259240

When: Sunday, April 9 at 10.30am
Lunch reception to follow

More details: Click here.


Day 28: Hold your position

Lent brings us together

Whisper in the dark: “Jesus is risen”

About the author

Gracia Lee

Gracia is a journalism graduate who thoroughly enjoys people and words. Thankfully, she gets a satisfying dose of both as a writer and Assistant Editor at Salt&Light.
