Celebration of Hope Day 2 rally reminds families and children: “No one is too hopeless to be saved”
Salt&Light // May 18, 2019, 4:24 pm

The Celebration of Hope family and children's rally, hosted by Gurmit Singh, drew more than 10,000 to the National Stadium this morning. Photo by Vicson Huang.
The second day of the three-day Celebration of Hope kicked off with a rally for families and children, titled “Colours of Hope”.
The two-hour gathering at the Singapore National Stadium focused on a vibrant multimedia skit about the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), or in this case, the prodigal daughter.
The play centred around a runaway girl called Amelyn.
The story is a familiar one: A child defies her parents and decides to run away. Eventually, she is forced to live on the streets, too ashamed to go home.

Fifty-seven children and youths aged between the ages of 6 and 20, from more than 10 churches, came together to perform at this morning’s rally. Photo by Alvin Chong.
But a breaking point comes, and when the child trudges back home, her parents welcome their precious daughter back with no strings attached.
Most may not have run away physically, but we all try to run away from our problems.
Everyone has flaws we are too afraid to show and, often, these imperfections stop us from asking for love.
But God is ever-ready to pardon (1 John 1:9) and embrace us – a simple message the children in the audience could relate to.

The family and children’s two-hour rally featured an interactive multimedia skit with multiple song and dance segments. Photo by Alvin Chong.
“I like the story, the part when Amelyn (the prodigal daughter) comes home,” said Maximus Edward, 10, from Elim Church. “It shows you exactly how you can come back to God. God can always forgive us – that’s something I learnt.”
This concept of unconditional love was also emphasised by host Gurmit Singh.
“God loves you. No matter what you’re going through – exams, work – alway remembers these three words.” – Gurmit Singh
“I have three words to tell you, and you alone: God loves you.”
The veteran entertainer, best known for his role as Phua Chu Kang, told the crowd of more than 10,000 people during his opening speech: “No matter what you’re going through – exams, work – alway remembers these three words: God loves you.”
To help make the message come alive, a colourful ensemble of children from 10-15 churches performed alongside the older actors. The 57 young volunteers have been rehearsing since the second week of March.
“I am excited I get to praise God. Most importantly, while I dance and sing about God, others may get to know God,” said one participant, 11-year-old Elijah Ho from Church of our Saviour.
Academic milestones would not stop some children from proclaiming God’s name. “Even if it’s an important year, I think I need to set time to praise God and worship. Then many people who come may get to know Him,” said Asher Gan, 12, from Bethesda Christian Church, who will be taking the PSLE exams this year.

Australian Christian artists, Brendon and Cathie Clancy, flew down to Singapore to perform with the children’s choir. Speaking to Salt&Light, Cathie said that they wanted to be a part of Celebration of Hope as they “believe in investing in the generations to come and the generational legacy”. “For us, this is really a pivotal moment,” they said. Photo by Vicson Huang.
Drawing from the biblical story of Jairus’ daughter (Luke 8:49-53) and his own checkered past, Pastor Samuel Phun of River Community Church delivered the message that no one is too far gone or dirty to be accepted by Christ, because of his act of dying on the cross. No one is hopeless.
Victory Family Centre member Gladys Chung, 30, who brought five kids, including two of her own, said that the music-filled programme was very “engaging and interactive”.
To bring the second rally to a close, Gurmit Singh gave a somber but heartfelt prayer that the message would sink into the hearts of those who came.
“Lord, remind them again and again that you are a God who loves them, that you are a God who is their all, who will be their only hope, will be their only love, remind them again and again, Lord. I pray, Lord, that all these families will seek you, and will love you and recognise every day that you are our one hope.”
Come join in the excitement tonight and tomorrow for:
- Abundance of Hope, the Mandarin rally (Saturday, May 18, 7.30pm)
- Power of Hope, the Tamil rally (Saturday, May 18, 7.30pm, OCBC arena)
- Joy of Hope, Filipino/Engish rally (Sunday, May 19, 10.30am)
- Reality of Hope, English rally (Sunday, May 19, 7.30pm)
Find out more at the Celebration of Hope website.
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