Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash.
John has been a free-thinker all his life. Financially successful and now in his senior years, life has been good to him. He seemed to lack nothing. Nor did he see the need to change anything in his life.
There were Christians around him. But it never occurred to them that John would be interested in the Gospel.
One person thought otherwise. John visits his neighbourhood doctor from time to time. Nothing serious. Coughs and colds and the like. This doctor, who is a Christian, initially saw John as just another patient. But one day, during a routine examination, he popped the question: “John, do you believe in Jesus Christ?”
Before that, John had been a secret admirer of his sister, a devout and loving Christian. So the doctor’s question triggered something inside him: “Yes. I know many Christians. But none have asked me so directly. Yes, I am interested to hear.”
Unbeknown to others, he has always been searching for green pastures and still waters.
The doctor led him to the One who could give him living water. That very day, John put his faith in Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
He was baptised a few weeks later, his sister looking on with tears of joy, and the angels rejoicing in heaven!
Looking back, John now realises that the goodness and mercy of the Good Shepherd had followed him and led him to the day of his salvation. Unbeknown to others, he had always been searching for green pastures and still waters. Through Jesus, his soul was restored.
This heartwarming story is a lesson for us all: It is never too late to ask, inquire or invite. Leave the rest to God. No one is too old to follow Jesus.
John’s secret hunger and thirst are not unique. There are many others just like him, just waiting. God wants to visit the seniors in their golden years. They can also experience the joy of John’s discovery when you simply pop that one most important question: “Uncle, Auntie, do you believe in Jesus?”
Until the Lord is their Shepherd, they will always lack something.
Perhaps you know some who are stuck in a bad place, overwhelmed by ill health or broken relationships. Let the Lord use you to prepare a table of relief and hope for them in the midst of their “enemies”.
Celebration of Hope has six different rallies you can invite them to. Include them in your guest list. Reserve a ticket for them. Accompany them by cab or by train to the stadium. If they are wheel-chair bound, no problem. On arrival, the ushers will guide you to the access lift that brings your entourage directly to a special seating area.
Until the Lord is their Shepherd, they will always lack something.
Indeed, the best gift we can offer the Pioneer Generation and the Merdeka Generation is a living hope that can only be found in one person. His Name is Jesus.
And when the inevitable comes, when our seniors walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil for Jesus will be right there with them to comfort them. When they reach the other side, they will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. And they will be forever grateful to God and to you. Hallelujah!
Act now.
Know some seniors who have yet to believe in Jesus? Pray for each one by name. Invite all of them to the Celebration of Hope rallies. Make all the necessary arrangements to ensure they are well taken care of pre-event, during the event, and post-event.
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