Attend to yourself first.
Sound familiar? It should, if you travel by air. It’s that bit of advice concerning the oxygen mask. If it drops from the overhead compartment, and you are travelling with a child, you must attend to yourself first and then to your child. If not, both of you might faint.
In the same way, church leaders should attend to themselves first and then to those under their care. This call to double-watchfulness stands at the centre of Paul’s charge to the Ephesian elders: “Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God.” (Acts 20:28)
Church leaders should attend to themselves first and then to those under their care.
Many have neglected this warning to their own peril and shame. Failing to watch over their own lives, some shepherds have turned into wolves and ravaged the flock. Paul is addressing elders or presbyters (Acts 20:17).
Verse 28 introduces two new terms for church leaders: The first is shepherd or pastor. The second is overseer or bishop. At this point, these are not titles nor ranks nor offices. These are the practical, moral and spiritual duties of all church leaders.
Acts 20 uses all three terms – bishop, presbyter and pastor – synonymously (Acts 20:17-28). It was only later on, as the church institutionalised, that these became three distinct offices and titles.
This is not a gripe against church offices and institutions. They have their place. But serious problems arise when the spiritual, moral and practical duties of church leaders are forgotten and replaced with egoism, elitism and entitlements. Then we are left with the long flowing robes, honorific titles and VIP seats that Jesus loathed – minus the duties (Mark 12:38–39).
Do you care for the Church? Then shepherd yourself. Admonish with tears. Covet no one’s money or clothes or spouse.
Paul saw it coming and warned against it. As a man of impeccable character, he was able to appeal to his own track record as a model of true servant leadership in the household of God.
Pastor, do you care for the Church of God which He purchased with His own blood?
Then follow Paul’s example. Heed his charge. Be alert. Shepherd yourself. Shepherd the flock. Admonish with tears. Covet no one’s money or clothes or spouse. Work hard. Help the weak.
And remember the words of Jesus: It is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35)
Fast and pray
- It’s world news. BBC. The Washington Post. The Straits Times. A prosperity televangelist told his fans that if Jesus were to return to earth today He would not ride on a donkey, but an airplane. He would not get patted down by security. Nor would He settle for 30 inches of leg room. Why would (Jesus) choose anything less than the Falcon 7X, a private jet that bears the sound barrier, has noise-limiting acoustic technology, a Bluetooth-enabled entertainment centre and an optional in-flight shower? The televangelist was asking his fans for S$72 million to buy the Falcon to spread the Gospel. This would be his fourth jet. Are you grieved to tears?
Jesus had no place to lay His head. Paul served with tears, trials, and humility. He coveted no one’s silver or gold or clothing. How far we’ve drifted from their example!
We are a Church in crisis. Failing to watch over our souls, we self-inflate and speak twisted things to exploit and manipulate God’s people. Such scandals undermine the witness of the Church. Turn to God in repentance. Identify with the shame and the sin of carnal Christians who have lost their fear of God and take more than they give.
- Watchfulness is the mother of all virtues. Ambition is the mother of all heresies, so says John Calvin. Selfish ambitions, dissensions, and heresies hang together like beads on a string (Galatians 5:20). Whether you’re a pastor, missionary, lay leader, or simply a Christian, self-watch is your first duty. Have you been guarding your heart?
Invite Jesus the Shepherd and Overseer of your soul to come inside, take inventory, crack the whip, turn the tables, cleanse the temple. Ask Him to purge out all ego, all illusions of self-importance, every tinge of self-entitlement and selfish ambition to secure your niche and influence. Ask Him to bring us back to the Gospel. Back to humility and tears. Back to cross-bearing discipleship. Back to the ancient path of simplicity and servanthood. “The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it’s what you become. That’s what you take into eternity.” (Dallas Willard)
- Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered (Zechariah 13:7). Shepherds are vulnerable. They top Satan’s hit list. Paul said: “Watch over yourselves” – plural! It’s a collective responsibility on the part of all shepherds. Dear Shepherd, whose back are you watching? Who’s watching your back? Do you have a circle of confidants who hold you accountable, expose your blind spots, and lift you up when you fall?
Heed this ancient wisdom: “Two are better than one … If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) Pray for your fellow shepherds by name.
- Pastor, what is the state of your flock? Shepherds, what is the state of the Flock in Singapore? Where are the breaches? Close ranks. Close the gaps. Refute false teaching. Expose savage wolves that ravage the flock. Strengthen the weak. Heal the wounded. Search for the lost. Bring back the strays. Pray. Study Ezekiel 34.
Read the devotional from Day 27: Unshrinking here.
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