Prayer and fasting shape history. (Derek Prince)
The Church of Jesus Christ was born in a solemn assembly of men and women united in prayer in Jerusalem. The 120 in the upper room sought God with one mind and one purpose until Pentecost happened! In little more than 10 years, churches were planted and flourishing in all Judea and Galilee and Samaria (Acts 9:31).
Next, the frontier mission movement was born in a solemn assembly of prayer and fasting in Antioch. Before this, no local church had ever organised any cross-cultural missionary work. The Jesus Movement was primarily a movement of Jews reaching Jews.
But now, through Antioch, God opened a door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:27). Paul gave them the pure Gospel of Jesus without the DNA of Judaism. The Jesus Movement was transformed from a Jewish sect into a global faith for every people under heaven.
The solemn assembly in Antioch gave birth to urban missions.
The solemn assembly in Antioch gave birth to urban missions.
Antioch was the first metropolis to host a Christian church. In little more than 10 years, the apostles of Antioch planted churches in key urban centres of four Roman provinces: Galatia, Macedonia, Achaia and Asia.
These churches were city-based but not city-bound. They spread the Good News throughout their surrounding regions (Acts 13:49). During Paul’s two years in Ephesus, for example, all the residents of Asia heard the Gospel (Acts 19:10).
By AD300, the Roman Empire was 10% Christian. And by the year 500, half the population of Antioch was Christian, along with the vast majority of Roman citizens. The Empire that crucified Christ between two thieves now hailed him as King of kings and Lord of lords.
This amazing missionary movement continues to this day. And it all started in Antioch, in a solemn assembly of five men who ministered to God in prayer and fasting.
This fasting changed the course of history. It is almost impossible to overstate the historical importance of this moment in Antioch in the history of the world (John Piper).
Lessons learned: We cannot do the work of the Lord in the energy of the flesh. We cannot achieve the Antioch effect without the Antioch environment. United prayer and fasting are God-ordained means for accessing the power of heaven to do God’s work on earth — in God’s way.
Fast and pray
Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord (Joel 1:14).
- God is working in amazing ways. He moved on the leaders of LoveSingapore, the National Council of Churches and Festival of Praise to make 2018 an exceptional Year of Prayer with fasting.
Praise God for the outcome: Solemn Assembly 2018. This is a historic first. As we fast and pray in one accord, ask God to intensify our hunger and sharpen our discernment. Pray for a mighty move of the Spirit. That with one heart, one soul, one mind, we will return to God in repentance for personal, corporate and national sins. That we will consecrate ourselves to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. That we will cry out to God for salvation among the 80% unsaved in our city. That we will set apart this generation and every generation to fulfil Singapore’s destiny as Antioch of Asia.
- God is working in astounding ways. Praise the Lord for the Fellowship of Missional Organisations in Singapore (FOMOS). God has been bringing mission leaders together for fellowship and prayer: The Holy Spirit (the Director of World Missions) has been stirring us to move in the same direction for the same outcome — that the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). We are no longer competitors but fellow servants. Our tagline is, “Many Streams One Direction”. FOMOS leaders also realise that we need to co-labour with the local church and the marketplace to fulfil God’s calling for Singapore. The local church is equipped with resources and manpower. They also provide the spiritual covering. The marketplace is equipped with skills that can impact and transform societies. They give nations a better quality of life in every sphere. The mobile church (mission agencies) is equipped with cross-cultural expertise and a strategic understanding of the mission context in our 21st century world. They pioneer and keep the work going and growing long term (Joseph Chean, FOMOS Chairman, YWAM National Director). Rejoice! Ask God to strengthen FOMOS to bond deeper and spread wider — for the glory of God.
- God is working in historic ways. Whenever God gets ready to do a great work, He always sets His people a-praying (J Edwin Orr). There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer. God always hears the humble, desperate, united and repentant prayers of His people. Every step in the progress of missions is directly traceable to prayer (AT Pierson). Pray therefore: Lord, count me in. I want to be part of what you are already doing in and through our nation. I will pray. I will fast. I will lean in and listen to your Spirit. I will pull others onboard. Together, we will flow with your many streams in one direction — to shape world missions and make world history!
Read the devotional from Day 5: Antioch synergy here.
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