Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
Andrew brought Simon.
Every time we meet Andrew in John’s Gospel, he’s connecting someone to Jesus (John 1:42; 6:8-9; 12:22).
The first person he brought was his brother, Simon. It’s impossible to calculate how many have come to Christ through Peter’s ministry. All because Andrew did what seemed natural and right. He brought his brother to Jesus.
Jesus didn’t hastily commit Himself to anyone. Nor did He judge from outward appearance. He knew what was inside man (John 2:25). He took one look at Simon and saw him, not for what he was, but for what he was to become.
According to the Greek text, this was not a passing glance, but a penetrating gaze. Jesus apparently saw something in Simon that reminded Him of rock: You are Simon. You shall be called Cephas, or Petros in Greek, Peter in English.
In the Bible, a name-change signals a change of character and destiny.
In the Bible, a name-change signals a change of character and destiny. Abram becomes Abraham, father of nations. Jacob becomes Israel, the God wrestler. Simon becomes Cephas, which means Rock in Aramaic, the mother tongue of Jesus. This word was almost never used as a personal name before.
That makes it doubly significant. With a gaze of grace, Jesus saw something in Simon that no one else saw: Solid Rock. Andrew may have curled his lip. He knew his brother well. But Jesus knew him better.
The new name didn’t turn Simon into solid rock overnight. Look at his early track record. He doesn’t seem quite solid. He doubts. He sinks in the sea. He acts before he thinks. And when he thinks, he thinks too loud. He falls asleep at prayer. He denies Jesus.
But here at the very beginning, Jesus takes one good look at him and sees something He can build on. He commits Himself to bring out that Rock buried deep within Peter.
What does Jesus see in you? Your true life is hidden with Him in God (Colossians 3:3). Only Jesus can bring out that hidden you. If you follow Him long enough and close enough, the real you will eventually surface, even if you sink from time to time along the way.
We live in a crazy world ruled by first impressions. We size up people in less than a minute and label them for the rest of their lives – for better or for worse.
- Turn the page. Never mind how others laud or label you. Never believe the prop-ups or the put-downs. Never deceive or despise yourself. Instead, turn to Jesus with all your heart. He sees you differently – what you are and what you can become in him. He longs to bring out the best in you. It’s a new day. Make up your mind to walk closely with Him. Surrender your life anew to your Maker and Master forever. Make this your constant plea: O Lord, change me from the inside out. Fulfil Your purpose in my life – for Your glory!
- Turn the page. Ask God to forgive you for writing off others at first glance or first impression: The awkward intern at work with below-zero social skills. The funky seeker in your cell who’s too brash for comfort. The new believer with a shady past who plays hide-and-seek and is always late for church. And whoever else you’ve judged, under-estimated, called names, given up on, and excluded from your circle.
Pray: Lord, make me like you. Deliver me from the tyranny of first impressions which are often unreliable, unfair, and sometimes dead wrong! Grant me the grace to look beyond the outward and see others, not for who they are, but for who they can become in You. Let me see their inestimable worth as humans created in Your image. Their potential as a divine work in progress. Their radical makeover by Your redeeming love. Their special part in Your big plan.
From this day on, with eyes of faith and a heart of love, I choose to speak a new language of hope and dreams over each one: Arise, shine as solid disciples of Jesu, exceeding all expectations – for His glory! - Turn the page. Be a new generation captured by divine love, characterised by divine grace. Be an Andrew. Help someone make a new start. Take the initiative. Introduce a sibling or a friend to Jesus.
Who knows? This new friendship with Christ could be earth-shaking. He or she might become a key influencer who plays a pivotal role in salvation history, as Peter did. - Turn the page. Identity and belonging are human felt needs. Take a 40.Day Challenge. Pledge that you will never measure others by their past or pedigree. Pledge to follow the example of Jesus. See their potential. Discern their calling. Start with your inner circle. Family. Leadership team. Staff. Cell. Colleagues. Classmates. New believers.
Don’t forget the Silver Generation. There’s no age limit with God. He has wired us with a capacity to excel and shine for Him at any age.
Take a good look at each one. What is Jesus showing you? Daily pray for them by name – their life-long journey of transformation: the trials, tears, and most of all, the triumphs of His grace.
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