Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
The stage is set.
The drama of Peter’s restoration begins with a heart-piercing question: Simon, do you love Me more than these?
More than what? It’s not clear what Jesus means by these. But did you know that half of what we say is in body language? Perhaps Jesus points to the boat, fish, and nets as if to say: Do you love Me more than your old career and gear?
Discipleship is always. No leave. No sabbatical. No retirement.
Maybe He points to the other disciples as if to say: Do you love Me more than your old fishing buddies? Or maybe He means: Do you still claim to love Me more than they do?
All of these meanings are possible. But none is certain. Perhaps the best way to read the question today is like this: Do YOU love Jesus more than anything?
In the Greek text, the verbs love and like are interchanged. Jesus says: Simon, do you “love” Me? Peter answers: Lord, I “like” You. This is repeated.
But the third time, Jesus says: Simon, do you “like” Me? And Peter was deeply hurt. Perhaps not so much because Jesus switched the verbs. But because He asked him three times – one for each denial.
Jesus is not shaming Peter. He’s training him. He’s giving him a chance to make amends by confessing Him three times before witnesses, just as he had denied Him three times before witnesses – and that, beside a charcoal fire.
This is not condemnation. It’s loving correction. Those whom I love, I convict and discipline, says Jesus. Therefore, be zealous and repent (Revelation 3:19).
Peter is not only reinstated as a fisher of men, as merciful as that is. But he is also newly commissioned as shepherd of the Flock. The Chief Shepherd has laid down His life for His sheep. He now entrusts the care of His blood-bought Church into the hands of the one who denied Him three times.
To abide in Christ is to imitate Him. To walk as He walked in this world.
Astonishing grace! Trust is fully restored without merit. When Jesus reinstates a fallen disciple, He raises him higher than the point from which he fell.
In spite of all his flaws and failures, Peter is appointed Founding Pastor of the Church Jesus builds: Feed My lambs. Shepherd My sheep. Feed My sheep.
Peter leaves his boat behind. For the last time.
Christ comes to the world as the example, constantly enjoining: Imitate me. We humans prefer to adore Him instead (Søren Kierkegaard).
- Discipleship is always. No leave. No sabbatical. No retirement. No 13-month bonus. Have you taken a vacation from discipleship? Beware! No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).
Pray: Lord Jesus, I confess, I’ve not taken discipleship seriously. I’ve treated it as a thing to do in my spare time, or when I feel like it, or when I think I’m ready. Forgive me. Unworthy as I am, please give me a second chance. Overcome my apathy. Silence the noisy chatter in my mind and disarm all my excuses for playing truant.
- Discipleship is allegiance. Do you love Jesus more than anything? Most of us like Jesus. Few really love Him. To like someone is to experience attraction and affection for that person. Even adoration. But to love someone is to give that person your total allegiance.
Pray: Dear Lord Jesus, I confess that I like You more than I love You. I adore You more than I obey You. But I want to love You above all else. I’m tired of hiding behind holy clichés. I open my heart to Your gentle conviction and loving correction, whether directly or through those who disciple me. Transform my human affection for You into an undivided allegiance that not only adores You but also imitates You. Take my heart, it is thine own. It shall be Thy royal throne (Frances Ridley Havergal).
- Discipleship is abiding. But how do we know that we are abiding in Him? The Bible answers: Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked (1 John 2:5-6).
To abide in Christ, therefore, is to imitate Him. To walk as He walked in this world.
Make this your prayer: Lord Jesus, you did not come into the world to be admired. You never asked to be worshipped. Only to be obeyed. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You require followers, not fans. Please forgive us. We have drifted into this infatuation of worship without sacrifice, adoration without allegiance. Wake us up. Deliver us from the error of romancing You without imitating You, and admiring You without obeying You (Søren Kierkegaard, adapted).
- Discipleship is assignment. After affirming his love for Jesus three times, Peter proved his love by completing the work he was given to do. Will we do the same?
Celebration of Hope is a divine assignment to turn Singapore Godward. Thank God for the first fruits. Pray for divine zeal to stay focused and fervent: Press in for the full harvest. Follow up new believers diligently and joyfully. Fan the flame of revival prayer. Foster deeper unity. Major on personal and small-group discipleship. Engage and nurture the younger generation. Participate robustly in the public square (Bishop Rennis Ponniah).
Read the devotional from Day 29, July 29: Déjà vu here.
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