Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
First a storm. Now a ghost!
Legend had it that the Sea of Galilee was haunted by demons. The disciples half believed it when they saw a lone figure walking out to them on a stormy sea (Matthew 14:26). But out of the dark, a familiar voice spoke: Take courage. It is I. Do not fear.
Peter was the most daring apostle. But he was not as impetuous as popular preachers make him out to be. His first impulse was to walk on the water to Jesus. But he would not step out of his boat without first testing the spirits: Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. And the voice says: Come.
Peter weighs the evidence. That voice gave him his new name, Rock (John 1:42). That voice told him to let down his net for a miraculous catch of fish (Luke 5:4). That voice called him to fish for people. That voice called a dead girl back to life before his very eyes (Luke 8:54). And now, that same familiar voice says: Come.
Faith is not the absence of fear, but the defiance of fear.
Peter knows that voice. But will he stake his life on it? If so, he must confront his three greatest fears in that moment of truth: his native Israelite fear of the sea, his fear of ghosts, and his fear of drowning.
When Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon he said: That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. But when Peter set foot on the sea, that was a far greater leap for all humanity. No human being except Jesus had ever walked on water before.
Armstrong’s moon-walk was made possible by science. Peter’s sea-walk was made possible by faith alone in the One who says: Come. He abandons the boat, his only security, and puts total trust in Jesus. He walks by faith and not by sight. In this way, he becomes a paradigm of faith for all disciples.
Faith is not the absence of fear, but the defiance of fear. In spite of our fears, we surrender our lives into the hands of the One who commands wind and sea.
It worked for Peter. It will work for you. But only when you step out of whatever else you are trusting in for security.
Whoever comes to God must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Come.
Storms are a fact of life. It’s not the size of your storm but the state of your faith that matters. Survival is not to the fittest but to the faithful. We need Jesus.
- Take an honest look at the state of your faith. Is it in Christ alone, the One who commands wind and sea?
Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). Are you hearing Him? Listen. He has not lost His voice. He speaks loud and clear primarily through His written Word. That voice through Scripture is accessible 24/7. Print copy. Digital version. Countless apps at a swipe on the screen of our devices.
We have no excuse. We should be the generation that’s most familiar with the voice of God in the Word, the source of true faith. Yet we are not. We neglect His Word. We ignore the Voice that matters most. We’re more interested in the soundbites from worldly sources that muddle our minds, soil our hearts, and sap our faith. Shame on us.
Today, make a stand. Change. Determine to treat yourself to His voice daily. Return to the good old-fashioned habit of time alone with Christ in His Word to grow your faith. Read the Word for breadth. Study the Word for depth. Meditate on the Word. Bask in God’s truth – so that faith will take root in your heart and awaken childlike wonder in your soul. - Listen to the Word: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27).
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes … the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold … in keeping them there is great reward (Psalm 19:7-11). - Faith pleases God. Singapore needs a Church that is robust in faith. Pray for a revival marked by a strong culture of faith anchored in the Word.
Start with yourself today. Pray for ministers of the Word to preach and teach in ways that build our faith and whet our appetites, making us hungry for more! - The world today is headed for a titanic shipwreck without Jesus. We know the litany of storms. Trade wars. Nationalism. Protectionism. Brexit spillover. Cyber attacks. Terrorism. Climate change. Sexual revolution. Strange pandemics. The Mahathir effect. And what else?
Singapore, a tiny sampan, is vulnerable. Amid the fierce storms beyond our control, may we the Church have our eyes trained on Jesus and our ears tuned in to His voice. May we rightly represent Jesus as people of faith with words of truth to calm nerves, spark courage, inspire hope, and turn all eyes on Him.
This bicentennial, let Singapore call upon the Lord and be saved.
Read the devotional from Day 4, July 4: Prince of Apostles here.
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