Make a statement: The family’s mission in word and deed
Focus on the Family Singapore // September 12, 2019, 8:00 am

As adults, we must have a clear idea as to why we serve and yearn to learn as much as we can about God. And our children need to be introduced to that too. Photo by Tetsuo Shimizu on Flickr
With highly packed schedules for work and school in addition to church commitments and other social activities, years pass by in a blink of an eye. As believing families, some of us have regular cell group meet-ups, ministry meetings, junior church for the kids, and the list goes on.
But as we interacted with other Christian parents, we realised how important it was to communicate to our children what all this “Christian activity” was for and to be more selective in the other types of activities we engage in.
As adults, we must have a clear idea as to why we serve and yearn to learn as much as we can about this God we worship and adore.
We know that it stems from a deep gratitude for what Christ has done on the Cross for us. Our children need to be introduced to that, which is why the idea of coming up with a family mission statement and vision came about in our discussions.
Own the vision
A family statement and vision may sound contrived to some, but we cannot begin to impress upon you how this has worked for those of us who have tried it out.
A family mission statement will be a helpful reminder throughout the year.
It keeps our minds focused on how each activity we undertake contributes towards fulfilling God’s purposes for our families and enables us to be better stewards of what we have been blessed with.
Here are a few ways to get started:
As parents, we have to resist the urge to talk-down to our kids. We can’t dictate a family mission statement to our children. We must communicate like a visionary coach – one who has a clear idea of what he or she is aiming for with his or her team. This type of coach communicates his or her vision and owns it. This is where a mission statement can be really powerful.
Write it out
Set a date for a family meeting. Write up “Family Mission Statement” on the agenda.
As a family, discuss what values you are going to live by and what character traits you aim to show.
The list of words below might be helpful:
- Celebrations are valued
- Loving
- Loyalty
- Community-focused
- Creativity is valued
- Music is valued
- Generosity
- Obedience
- God-honouring
- Respect for environment
- Healthy responsibility
- Hospitality
- Time together
- Learning is valued
- Well-mannered in all actions
Brainstorm these questions as a family when coming up with your family vision and statement:
- What will the atmosphere or flavour of your home be?
- What do we hope our kids will treasure as memories when they grow up?
- What words would your family like to use to describe the relationships between family members and those outside your immediate family?
- How is God calling our family to serve Him?
Then, organise the ideas and analyse the suggestions. Decide which ones gel best with the family and come up with a final draft of your family mission statement. The following statements might help:
- “Our family is about …”
- “We always value …”
- “To those within our family, we will …”
- “To those outside our family, we will …”
In this way, a family mission statement will be a helpful reminder to the entire family throughout the year. It can influence the way we allocate our family’s resources, in terms of time, energy, finances and the many talents and gifts that our good Lord has blessed us with.
In this way, may each of our families be truly pleasing in His sight.
This article was first written for Focus on the Family, Singapore and has been republished with permission.
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