New Salt&Light book: Powerful accounts of Singaporeans following God’s leading despite setbacks
by Juleen Shaw // November 28, 2020, 4:13 pm

For the first time, Salt&Light has released a book of 35 true accounts of believers, from entrepreneurs to chefs, ex-offenders to CEOs, whom God called into the marketplace to be light in a dark world in spite of tremendous setbacks that included blindness, depression and loss of loved ones.
He was a failed businessman whose crisis unexpectedly led to jobs for thousands.
She was forced to take over the reins of the family’s company as a greenhorn 21-year-old student when her father died from cancer.
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY OF Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith at Work
He was a well-loved principal who was privately battling ill health, including a stroke and blindness.
She was a national swimmer, Singapore’s Golden Girl, who, behind the glare of news cameras was spiralling into darkness.
How did they do it? Where did they find courage and hope amidst overwhelming darkness?
He was a chef with a Michelin-starred restaurant, who was slowly buckling under the pressure.
She was a tough infectious diseases doctor who, in the day, worked tirelessly to save lives, but at night, wept for colleagues who had died.
He was an 81-year-old CEO of a mainboard listed company who shed his business suits to preach to crowds of 300,000 in Pakistan, India and Siberia.
She was a Singapore scholar who left the promise of a cushy life to minister to women in Afghanistan, amidst bombs and killings.

Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith at Work is now available, just in time to illustrate the grace and living hope of Christmas.
Thirty-five moving stories.
Thirty-five true accounts of believers, from entrepreneurs to chefs, ex-offenders to CEOs, whom God called into the marketplace to be light in a dark world in spite of tremendous challenges and setbacks.
You, too, can draw inspiration and experience personal growth in living out your Kingdom calling.
How did they do it? Where did they find courage and hope amidst overwhelming darkness? How did they overcome the challenge of being “in the world but not of the world”?
For the first time, Salt&Light has released these 35 powerful testimonies in one book, so that you who are graduating soon, you who are seeking meaning in a mundane job, you who are thrust in a difficult role, you considering a change in career, you whose leadership many are depending on for a living, can draw inspiration and experience personal growth in living out your Kingdom calling.
Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith at Work is now available, just in time to illustrate the grace and living hope of Christmas.
To purchase a copy or bless someone with one, or simply to support the work of Salt&Light, please click here. $20/copy, with a 10% discount for 10 or more copies.
If you have any queries or for bulk purchases of more than 10 books, please email [email protected]
Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith at Work will also be on sale at SKS Books, Books Kinokuniya, Times and selected Popular outlets in limited copies from Nov 30. The Kindle version will be available from end December.
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