Houses of Prayer Everywhere (HOPE) as Day of His Power 2021 livestreams for the first time
by Christine Leow // August 6, 2021, 10:33 pm

Pastors from churches across Singapore, led by LoveSingapore chairman, Pastor Lawrence Khong, united almost 9,000 viewers in the Day of His Power 2021 English livestream to stand in the gap to pray for Singapore.
There were no auditoriums and stadiums to fill by the thousands as in years past.
Those who gathered to intercede for Singapore ahead of National Day could not clasp hands in solidarity as they had done almost every year since 1994.
Yet, there was unity of hearts, minds and spirits as almost 9,000 people attended the first-ever English livestream of Day of His Power 2021 tonight (August 6) to stand in the gap for Singapore and its people.
Gathering in homes in twos and threes as families, and over Zoom in cell groups and circles of friends, they were harkening to the call for “believers of all stripes and colours, regardless of church or denomination” to gather and “transform our homes into living sanctuaries”.
A unity God foretold
This unity was prophesied about decades earlier when LoveSingapore was just starting, said chairman of unity movement LoveSingapore, Pastor Lawrence Khong, as he opened tonight’s event.

“Instead of thousands of people packed in one stadium location, we are one people divinely distributed in thousands of locations all across Singapore,” said LoveSingapore chairman, Pastor Lawrence Khong who opened the first-ever livestream of DOHP.
At the time, a powerful vision of revival in the nation had stirred the churches. He said: “Let me begin with a picture: Singapore covered in golden oil.
“The oil was oozing up from deep within, through many ‘supply’ channels all over the island – North, South, East, West, Central.
“One family, one faith, one Father. This is a powerful picture of tremendous HOPE.”
“Up in the heavens, a big hand was holding a big matchbox. There was a pause. Then, at the right moment, the big hand pulled out a matchstick.
“The big hand struck the matchstick and aimed it at Singapore. Fire fell from heaven!
“Singapore was set ablaze in mighty revival fire.”
The prophetic word signified “a new day of unity”, he continued, particularly fitting as Day of His Power went online tonight for the second year running because of Covid-19 safety measures.
“Instead of thousands of people packed in one stadium location, we are one people divinely distributed in thousands of locations all across Singapore,” he said.
“One family, one faith, one Father – each one, a divine channel to flood Singapore with divine love. This is a powerful picture of tremendous HOPE – Houses of Prayer Everywhere.”
A purity to reset the Church
Between prayerful worship led by the praise band from Church of our Saviour Singapore, Senior Pastor Daniel Wee led a time of exalting and praising the Names of God in a “sacrifice of praise”.
National Director of Youth with A Mission (YWAM) Singapore Joseph Chean followed by sharing a word God gave him: Reset.

The word God gave him for Singapore was Reset, said Joseph Chean, who led participants to pray for Purity of Motives and Purity of Morals.
He said that God was going to cause a reset and “do something in your days that you would not believe” (Habakkuk 1:5) and that it would be something the Lord Himself would build (Psalm 127:1).
“This Reset is for His greater purpose.”
“I asked the Lord: What does it mean? And I felt the Lord is trying to call us to come back, to live our lives in such a way, with such a deep conscious need of His presence. He’s calling us to live our lives in such humble dependence on God and God alone.”
But first, God wants to reset His Church in two big areas, he said.
1. God wants Holy Passion from His Church
He wants the Church to serve His mission, with an undivided heart, with a singular purpose, glorifying His Name. This would require Purity of Motives.
2. God wants Holy Living in His Church
His Church should rightly represent His character, revealing His glory by living holy lives, in other words, having Purity of Morals.
“Ultimately, this is a Reset for His greater purpose: To make us ready for the End Time harvest, and to make us His radiant bride, holy and blameless.”
Participants were urged to pray for:
1. Holy Passion, exemplified by Purity of Motives, and repent of doing their own thing and seeking their own glory:
(Isaiah 42:8)
2. Holy Living, exemplified by Purity of Morals, and repent of living ungodly lives, practising, condoning, or tolerating:
(1 John 2:15-16)
In the time of prayer in the homes, participants were asked to genuinely:
a) Cry to the Holy Spirit to convict us deeply;
b) Return to the Lord wholeheartedly;
c) Know that God is here. He loves His Church;
d) Believe that He hears from heaven. He forgives;
e) Acknowledge that He will heal us from the inside out.
A revival to restore God’s presence
Rev Daniel Khong, Senior Pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church, led a call to consecration, for all to offer up lives worthy of our calling.
As the meeting flowed to the next wave which called for the people to experience the presence and reality of God, Pastor Jeremy Seaward, Senior Overseer of Victory Family Centre, Singapore, said: “Revival is the restoration of God’s presence in and among us.
Ps Seaward urged the people to pray for a fresh outpouring in their lives and in the nation.
“It is His presence that makes the difference in our lives, it is His presence that sets us apart. The Holy Spirit was poured out so that we would forever be marked by that presence. (Exodus 29:46) God desires to dwell among us, to make His presence known among us.

As in Acts 4:29-31, Pastor Jeremy urged participants to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
“When the early church was faced with obstacles and difficulties, they would cry out for a fresh outpouring of God’s presence.”
As in Acts 4:29-31, Ps Seaward urged the people to pray for a fresh outpouring in their lives and in the nation, that they would be people filled with the Holy Spirit who would see the advance of God’s Kingdom.
Participants prayed in their homes to experience the Presence and Reality of God in:
1. Personal life
a) Walk with God
b) Relationships
c) Work and career
c) Decision-making
2. Home life
a) Family altar
b) Marriage
c) Parenting
d) Discipleship
3. Church life
a) Anointed word
b) Prophetic worship
c) Ground-breaking works
d) Manifest wonders
A purpose fit for God’s Kingdom
Senior Pastor of 3:16 Church, Ian Toh, reminded participants that “the devil wants to weaken this nation” by weakening families. He encouraged all to pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done in the country as in heaven.
In a stirring end to a powerful time of prayer, participants were asked to sing God’s blessing over Singapore.
Senior Pastor of Hope Singapore, Jeff Chong, then led the people to pray for the lost because they are “our Number One priority”.
Ps Lawrence Khong rounded up the night, saying: “Day of His Power does not end here. In the coming days, weeks, and months, keep on keeping on, be vigilant.
“We must continue to draw closer to God and to one another. We must pray without ceasing in a right posture – with a conscious need for God, with a humble dependence on God.
“For it is not by institutional might, nor by individual giftings, but by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.”
In a stirring end to a powerful time of united prayer, The Blessing Singapore, a video made by 772 singers from 177 churches and movements, sang a blessing over our land in five languages including sign language.
Echoing into the night was the ringing of the Aaronic blessing: The Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you, be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face to love you, and give you peace. Amen.
Day of His Power 2021 in Mandarin takes place over Youtube and Facebook on Sunday, August 8, at 8pm.

This season of disruption is a kairos moment for the Church to arise: Day of His Power 2020
This season of disruption is a kairos moment for the Church to arise: Day of His Power 2020
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