The State of the Church in Singapore 2024: The Church and Seniors, is the third instalment of the State of the Church in Singapore Study – a annual collaborative effort between Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Singapore Bible College, Trinity Theological College and Salt&Light.
A major motivation for studying the Church and Seniors is the recognition that the nation of Singapore is projected to be a super-aged society in 2026.
What about the local church? How are we shaped demographically, and how are we responding to the reality of being in a “super-aged society”?
The study covers a sample of 35 churches, with representation from Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Bible-Presbyterian, Brethren, Evangelical Free, Methodist, Presbyterian and independent churches.
These churches – together comprising 57,686 regular attendees – is a random sampling to ensure representation from different segments of the church in Singapore and to allow us to make unbiased estimates of the age demography of the wider church in Singapore.
Read the original State of the Church in Singapore Study 2022 here:
Read the State of the Church in Singapore Study 2023: Churches Attracting Young Adults here: