Laying the foundations of a God-honouring career: Lok Vi Ming
Salt&Light // June 23, 2018, 9:38 am

For most of us it’s church on Sunday. And come Monday, the church is pushed to the back shelf of our lives as we live life willy-nilly.
But for Lok Vi Ming, the church is not only meant for Sundays. What he learns on Sabbath, he puts into practice during the work week. Over the years, this has become a lifestyle which has also laid the foundations of his career.
The Senior Counsel shares with Benny Ho, the Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church in Perth, Western Australia, some lessons learned about faith at work.
How important is it for you to bring God into work?
It is important for Christians to live out the values taught in church: Values such as integrity, passion in our work, making a difference in the lives of other people, bringing God into our work and letting God be seen in the testimonies of our lives in our work attitudes.
Prayer has never been intended to be a desperate measure to be invoked at a time when one is at wit’s end.
What do you pray about for work?
I think prayer has never been intended to be a desperate measure to be invoked at a time when one is at wit’s end. Instead, prayer is a form of communication with God. Our Christian faith is that of a relationship, of walking closely with God, discovering God and the strength of God at every point of our lives.
In your career, do you actually pray into such things or do you leave it to God to open doors?
I had prayed to God that I would have a successful career, but I also remember very often praying and asking the Lord to direct the development of my career, in ways which He thought was the best fit for me.
Sometimes, it’s just the sheer busyness that pushes a person along a certain path. But you trust the Lord to lead and guide, and when you look back, you then see that He has led you down a path that you wouldn’t have otherwise planned to walk, and you just did.
When you come to different crossroads, what is your posture in handling God’s will?
It’s quite hard unless you are getting lightning and thunder to have a very convincing answer from the Lord.
In every fifth year, I deliberately set aside some time to seek the Lord on what I should be doing in the next five years.
So what I tried to do in the course of my career is in every fifth year, I deliberately set aside some time to seek the Lord on what I should be doing in the next five years. Knowing that the decision that I take for the next five years will determine how I will spend my life or career for the next 10, 15 years or beyond.
Despite that, I think the answer may not always lie in our own hands but His.
What are some kingdom principles imperative in navigating the workplace?
Being somebody who’s interested in the lives of your colleagues, offering to pray for them. When you begin to earn the right to be a peacemaker in the place or office, then you can be salt and light.
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