Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
Where on earth is Peter?
He was last seen on Friday morning, tears streaming down his face. A dream had died within him. An eternity of guilt now weighs on his chest. Didn’t Jesus say: If you deny Me before men, I will deny you before My Father in heaven?
Peter denied Jesus three times and with cursing and swearing. Even if Jesus did rise from the dead, would He ever forgive Peter? Could Peter forgive himself? Would he dare to hope again for a place in the Kingdom of God?
Where there is life, there is reason to hope.
Where there is life, there is reason to hope.
Jesus had promised His disciples a reunion in Galilee (Mark 16:7). Now, on Easter morning, the angel in the garden tomb confirms it to the women who went there: Go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee (Mark 16:7).
Why Peter? Why Galilee?
It’s not the angel’s idea to single out Peter. He speaks for Jesus, who means to reassure Peter that he is forgiven. He is still numbered with the Eleven. His fall is not fatal.
The worst mistake of his life will not derail his destiny. He will have a second chance to deny himself and confess Jesus before men. A second chance to become the Rock he is meant to be. A second chance to take up his cross and die for Jesus.
Peter has aptly been called the patron saint of second-chance discipleship (Markus Bockmuehl).
Why Galilee? Because that’s where the wonderful dream of the Kingdom of heaven began to come true for Peter and the others. That’s where Jesus first met Peter and gave him the name Rock. That’s where Jesus called him from his fishing career to fish for people.
Galilee symbolises a new hope and a new beginning for Peter and all the disciples.
Galilee symbolises a new hope and a new beginning for Peter and all the disciples.
Good Friday is not the dead end they thought it was. After the reunion in Galilee, the mission will resume in Jerusalem and spread from there to the ends of the earth. The dream will come true.
Peter eventually gets the message. Do you?
The Resurrection of Jesus is not only about life after death. It’s also about life before death. And forgiveness after failure.
There is work yet to be done. The message from the empty tomb is not See you in heaven, but See you in Galilee! Get it?
- You have turned to God. You have repented of your sins. And now you know you are forgiven in Christ. But have you forgiven yourself? Are you paralysed with guilt?
Psychologists say we are our own worst enemy. We find it hard to forgive ourselves. We condemn and reject ourselves. Beware! This is Spiritual Warfare 101. Henri Nouwen warned: Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the beloved.
Today, something must shift! Your sin may be great. The memory grievous. The shame unbearable. No matter.
Arise! Wage war against the lies of the enemy. Stand on the Truth. Confess aloud: My God has not rejected me. My God does not hate me. My God loves me. My God has forgiven me.
Therefore, I will stop rejecting myself. Therefore, I will stop hating myself. Therefore, I will start loving myself – by forgiving myself. Amen!
Take a step further. Get alone with God. Make this your D-Day. Script a statement of self-forgiveness to mark this moment, a critical turning point in your journey as a disciple.
It can begin something like this: On this day, the 28th of July 2019, in the presence of God my Father, Jesus my Saviour, and the Holy Spirit my Comforter, I [your name] forgive myself for …
List down all your secret sins and shame. Be brutally honest. Be fearless in your choice of words, calling out every thing in detail. When you’re ready, make a stand. Confess aloud everything you’ve written.
- God is the God of second chances and new beginnings. Galilee is the place of second chances and new beginnings. Return to your Galilee. List 10 things you will stop doing and 10 things you will start doing: …
Read the devotional from Day 27, July 27: Second baptism here.
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