Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
Peter stands at the crossroad.
Jesus had just preached on the Bread of Life in Peter’s hometown synagogue. The sermon expressed the deeper meanings of the miracle of the loaves and fish.
But many of the disciples choked on the part about eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus. A massive walk-out occurred. Then, surprisingly, Jesus says to His own Twelve Apostles: Do you want to leave too?
The door to eternal life is narrow. But the way out is easy. There is no compulsion in discipleship. If you want to leave, the exit is clearly marked and the door is wide open.
If you want to stay, you are welcome. But there are conditions: Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Follow Jesus.
Without hesitation, Peter settles it once and for all: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
Peter must choose. He’s so close to home he can almost smell the bread baking in the oven. Here’s a chance to go back to normal life. Support his family again. The boat is near. The fish are multiplying.
But wait. Peter has other options.
For example, why not seek out a theologically trained rabbi? One with a hundred or more disciples and a few things from the system that Jesus doesn’t have: Credibility, respect, the long flowing robe. Not to mention money. And titles too!
Or better yet, why not round up all those disgruntled disciples who have just walked out on Jesus and start a movement of his own? Simon Peter Ministries. Peter Rocks! He’s got the training, the skillsets, and the teaching of Jesus under his belt.
He’s even walked on water!
And to top all that off, he’s a born leader – Prince of Apostles. Imagine: The Right Reverend Rabbi Rock.
Words come so cheap and easy nowadays. Everyone has a word. Everyone is an expert, a journalist, a superstar. With all the posting, tweeting, blogging, and videoing, there’s no end of words. But who has the Words of eternal life?
Without a moment’s hesitation, Peter settles it once and for all. His heart is fixed: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
Will you settle it today? Embrace Peter’s conviction. Choose Jesus. Choose life. Eternal life.
- Are you choking on the hard sayings of Jesus? Is your pastor’s preaching getting too tough to digest?
Examine yourself. What is it that you cannot stomach? Write it down. Tell it to Jesus.
Pray: Lord Jesus, please give me grace to enthusiastically take Your Truth to heart, even if my head can’t grasp it yet. Help me, in simple childlike faith, to obey the things I do understand and not to spew out things that are hard to swallow.
- Are you eyeing the exit? Fed up with the call and cost of discipleship? Shopping for a church with a feel-good Gospel of self-esteem, comfort and convenience?
Jesus addresses the question to every single Christian who reads or hears the Gospel: Do you also want to go away? What is your answer?
Don’t just say Yes or No. Don’t just cut-and-paste Peter’s answer. Ponder and pray. Write your own response down.
- Are you vacillating? Peter had things to go back to. What about you?
What is vying for your affection and allegiance? What is drawing you away from fellowship with Jesus and his Church?
Try to put your finger on it. Talk with Jesus.
Even though He knows it all, He will listen. He will understand. He will help you. Write your prayer of confession down.
- Will you settle it today? Who has the words of eternal life?
We all know the answer. But are we living the answer? Are we abiding in the words of eternal life?
Determine to match your walk with your talk: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that You are the Holy One of God.
Confess: Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You (Psalm 73:25).
Sing: Christ is enough for me … Everything I need is in You. Everything I need. I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back. - Will you share this Good News with others? Words of eternal life are too good to keep to ourselves. How can we hold back?
We’re not done with the Celebration of Hope. This is the Year of Proclamation. The rallies are over, but personal evangelism continues.
I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). Pray!
Read the devotional from Day 6, July 6: Sinking stone here.
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