Photo courtesy of LoveSingapore
Peter lives up to his new name.
He sinks like a stone. The moment he turns his eyes from the Christ to the crisis, his faith fails. His fear prevails.
When Peter first responded to the call of Jesus, he left his boat behind. That was just practice for this. Then it was a matter of bread and butter. Now, leaving his boat is a matter of life and death.
This is not virtual reality. Following Jesus involves great risk. Peter is in real danger of drowning at sea. But salvation is just a prayer away.
Following Jesus is no easy road. His footprints lead to the Cross.
Some of the shortest prayers in the Bible have the greatest effect because they are prayers of simple faith. The tax-collector: God, be merciful to me a sinner. The blind beggar: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. The crucified thief: Lord, remember me when You enter Your Kingdom.
And now, out of the depths, Peter cries: Lord, save me. This echoes the prayer of the Psalmist in his peril: Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. … I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me (Psalm 69:1-2).
Though mixed with doubt, Peter’s faith prevails. Jesus draws him up with a firm grip and a gentle rebuke: O you of little faith, why did you doubt?
In the Greek text, Jesus literally addresses Peter as Small-Faith. Unflattering. But not so bad. Small faith is better than no faith.
If small faith can walk on water, what will great faith do? That’s what Peter is training for. Great faith. Great works. He has the best Coach and Trainer.
Peter is a rock in formation. Each trial of faith prepares him for the next. Jesus is committed to bringing out the deep rock within him, even if it means bringing up the sponge first. One day Satan will sift Peter like wheat. Will his faith hold out? Jesus prays that it will. And it does.
Following Jesus is no easy road. His footprints lead to the Cross. The farther you go, the greater the challenge. When faith fails, life unravels. If you don’t stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all (Isaiah 7:9).
Are you treading deep waters today? Have no fear. Jesus is near. Salvation is just a prayer away: Lord, save me.
Faith is not what rescues you. Faith is what guides you (Ralph Winter). Walking by faith in a storm-tossed world entails great risk, like skating on thin ice. But the risk of faith is worth taking. Not just for our personal salvation, but for countless others in peril at sea.
- There is a first time for everything – like walking on water! What new thing has Jesus planted in your heart to pursue? You’re scared. The mission is way too risky and way too big. Unlike anything you’ve ever done. You hesitate. Your faith is small.
But take courage. Jesus doesn’t come to sink your sampan. He comes to free you from its limitations. He wants to grow your latent potential, unleash your creative powers, and call you beyond boundaries, real or imagined.
Below is a story about a giant of faith. As you read it, allow the Lord to speak and inspire you to step out of your boat:
Hudson Taylor knew that God was calling him to raise up new missionaries to penetrate China’s interior. This was uncharted waters in the history of world missions. What if the new workers failed and put the blame on him? Could he bear the responsibility? His soul was in turmoil. He wrestled with the challenge of taking that leap of faith. One Sunday morning in June 1865, on Brighton beach, the Lord conquered his unbelief. Then and there, Taylor surrendered himself to God for this new mission. This one act of surrender led to the founding of the China Inland Mission (now OMF) which sent thousands of new workers to break new ground in China’s unreached interior. - Perhaps you have already taken the risk of faith and stepped out of your boat. And now you are sinking in a storm of doubt and fear. Cling to your faith like a life vest. Don’t let panic rob you of the abundant life and the adventure of faith. Turn your eyes from the crisis to the Christ. Prayer is not a fine art but a desperate cry. Like Peter, shout for help: Lord, save me!
- Focus on Christ: Emmanuel, God with us. Let this beautiful song arise within you as your anthem of faith in the face of every storm:
Hide me now under Your wings
Cover me within Your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
Find rest my soul in Christ alone
Know His power in quietness and trust (Hillsong)
Read the devotional from Day 5, July 5: Simon sea-walker here.
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