Luminocity is a three-day forum organised by FGB Gatekeepers that aims to bring forward conversations relevant to the marketplace today.
At this year’s LuminoCity Asia 2018 conference, panellists spoke about ways to find Jesus on the job and how Christians should view the increasing obsession over “self-care”.
The opening speaker said that professionals must fortify themselves at work.
He said that while the kingdom of God is already here on earth (Luke 17:20-21, Colossians 1:13), the evil one is still lurking in our midst (John 17:15).
Be careful of the love of money (Matthew 6:24) and of pride (Proverbs 16:18).
“Do not let the devil have a foothold (Ephesians 4:27),” he said, otherwise one will lose their saltiness (Matthew 5:13-16).
He encouraged believers to entrust God with their careers and live righteously. This includes avoiding the love of money (Matthew 6:24) and pride (Proverbs 16:18), and doing the ethical thing even when it upsets colleagues (Ephesians 6:12).
Right ways to treat staff
During a panel session about running a Kingdom business, one speaker, a business owner, said that a God-centred company requires bosses to look at their staff as “God’s image bearers” rather than just “factors of production”.
At his firm, when his employees show signs of inefficiency, instead of taking immediate disciplinary action, he works with the human resource department to find out the issues the employee is facing and they resolve them together.
One business owner says he looks at his staff as “God’s image bearers”, not “factors of production”.
Someone who is undergoing personal monetary problems could, for example, be given free financial advice or micro-loans, the managing director said.
Another speaker said that because of her Christian values, she looks at a person’s strengths rather than the weaknesses.
Because of her position, she had been able to create new roles for people if they do not perform in their current appointment, and from there, groom them.
“If a person is willing to learn and wants to do well, then I will try to create a new position that leverages on the strength,” she said. “I’ve seen them blossom after that.”
True rest
In the second session titled “#selfcare”, one speaker said that believers must be wary of the various leisure activities available.
Humans are, like God, triune – made up of body, mind, and spirit (Acts 2:38). What one consumes outwardly will also affect the head and the soul.
He warned against yoga, as it has its roots in other religions.
We should not ignore the spiritual realm, he added.
Each yoga pose pays homage to a god, and the aim of yoga – to achievement self-enlightenment – runs opposite to the Gospel, another speaker later explained in his presentation.
To be truly restful, Christians should turn to spiritual disciplines that usher in the presence of God.
Self-care lifestyles can end up becoming idolatrous if one’s wellness becomes the source of motivation and “it’s all about you” (Romans 14:7-8), said another speaker.
“This is where we need the company of brothers and sisters to speak into our lives, and be critical of what’s being offered in the world,” she said.
To be truly restful, Christians should turn to spiritual disciplines that usher in the presence of God.
These exercises can include journaling in order to submit one’s thoughts to God, or taking 10- to 15-minute “mini-Sabbaths” – going to one corner to pray or meditate on verses – throughout the day.
Living in an urban society means our minds are often over-burdened, she said. The Bible pointed out that the battlefield is in our minds (Romans 12:1-2).
“We need to clear our systems, otherwise we can’t hear from God,” she added.
Salt&Light is not able to reveal the names of the speakers due to Chatham House Rules.
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