storm boy

As part of its launch, Salt Media's CBD cinema hosted the global premiere of Australian film Storm Boy, which is now shown on its SMIX streaming service. In the photo are (L-R) Storm Boy producer Matthew Street, Australia’s High Commissioner to Singapore Mr Bruce Gosper, lead actor Finn Little, Mrs Margaret Gosper and director Shawn Seet. Photo by Salt Media & Entertainment.

With Singapore joining nearly four billion people in the world, or half of humanity, in lockdown from the coronavirus pandemic – or in our case, Circuit Breaker measures – streamed entertainment has become a source of sanity for many stuck at home.

Now local media company Salt Media & Entertainment has launched its own online streaming platform, SMIX, to meet the high demand.

SMIX’s unique selling point is its slate of entertainment that is wholesome and suitable for the whole family.

On the menu is a selection of both faith-based as well as non-faith-based blockbusters, independent films, television shows, documentaries, children’s programmes and non-governmental organisation (NGO) features about timely and relevant issues of the day.

Working on a pay-per-view model, SMIX allows streaming with the creation of an account on Titles can be downloaded on mobile devices as well. From now till Easter Sunday (April 12), SMIX is offering a promotion of S$0.99 for every title.

“Viewers long for entertainment that is inspiring, life-affirming and that supports personal, family and societal well-being.”

The viewing window for the titles is generous.

“Once you buy a movie, you have access to it for five days, If it is a series, it’s available for a month instead of the usual 48 hours,” said Sherman Ng, CEO and founder of Salt Media & Entertainment (no relation to this website).

“So, this is the hack: If you get a series now, you will have the programme to last you throughout the Circuit Breaker. Kids love to watch shows again and again, so this is perfect.”

There are now over 30 titles available and more will be gradually added in the weeks to come. By the end of the year, SMIX will have 150 titles.

During this Easter weekend, some movies that can be shared with the family include An Interview with God, a story of an up-and-coming journalist who gets the scoop of a lifetime – an interview with someone who claims to be God.

The Case for Christ is another movie that can spark off talking points. Based on Lee Strobel’s book of the same, the biographical drama traces the faith journey of an investigative journalist and self-proclaimed atheist as he sets out to disapprove the existence of God after his wife becomes a Christian. The movie boasts a star-studded cast that includes acclaimed award-winning actress Faye Dunaway.

To keep antsy children entertained during this home-based learning period, there is popular animated series Bob the Builder which won the BAFTA for Children’s Animation in 2003 for its Christmas episode.

Another series that might capture the attention of the little ones is Messy Goes to Okido. The series follows a curious, unruly monster called Messy as he searches for answers to everything in a merry mix of comedy and science. 

“God put everything in place”

SMIX is part of Salt Media & Entertainment’s overall vision to increase the production and consumption of wholesome entertainment.

Ng told Salt&Light: “Our culture is inundated with humanistic, relativist world views [that are] eroding the values of society. Most entertainment today promote a godless worldview. The portrayal of promiscuity, violence, profanity, alcohol, drugs and the occult has become a norm.

“Viewers long for a positive alternative – entertainment that is inspiring, life-affirming and that supports personal, family and societal well-being. That is why we are providing entertainment based on bedrock values that do not contradict a Biblical worldview.”

“Not only is the launch of SMIX perfect for the Circuit Breaker period, it also helped to save jobs for the company.”

In 2018, Salt Media & Entertainment opened a cinema at the heart of the CBD to screen inspirational films. It is the first movie theatre to open in the financial district.

“Two years ago, we were already mapping [the streaming service] out,” said Ng.

“In October last year, God put everything in place. We found the right development partner for the tech, built up the library and found funding for it,” said Ng.

The timing could not have been better. Not only is the launch of SMIX perfect for the Circuit Breaker period, it also helped to save jobs for the company.

“We didn’t foresee the COVID-19 situation but SMIX helped us keep jobs. Instead of laying off the staff from the cinema, we re-trained them for this streaming service,” said Ng.

Plans are afoot to add Salt Media & Entertainment originals to the SMIX as well.

“We are also looking to support independent Christian film-makers in the region. If we give them a platform to showcase their work, they will produce more,” explained Ng.

SMIX is working to make its streaming even more accessible with an SMIX app available by the end of the month.


Two new cinemas screening “values-based” content open in Singapore



About the author

Christine Leow

Christine believes there is always a story waiting to be told. This led to a career in MediaCorp News scripting and producing news, current affairs programmes and documentaries. Christine is now a Senior Writer at Salt&Light. Her idea of a perfect day has to do with a big mug of tea, a bigger muffin and a good book.
